Osmoregulation – Definition, Types, & Importance

Osmoregulation is the physiological process that regulates the osmotic pressure in the organism through the osmoreceptors. It helps in maintaining the fluid balance of the body and electrolyte concentration. In this article, we will study the definition of osmoregulation, types of osmoregulation, Osmoregulation in different organisms and humans, and the Importance of osmoregulation.

Table of Content

  • Osmoregulation Definition
  • What is Osmoregulation?
  • Types of Osmoregulation
  • Osmoregulation in Different Organisms
  • Osmoregulation in Humans
  • Importance of Osmoregulation

Osmoregulation Definition

Osmoregulation is the biological process by which an organism controls and regulates the water and electrolytic balance in its body to maintain homeostasis.

What is Osmoregulation?

Osmoregulation is the active regulation of the osmotic pressure of the body fluid of an organism through osmoreceptors. It maintains fluid balance and electrolyte concentration. It prevents the fluid in the body from becoming too diluted or concentrated. Osmoreceptors are present, which can detect changes in osmotic pressure.

These osmoreceptors are present in the hypothalamus of the brain and also in the kidneys of humans. Marine animals maintain their body fluid and solute concentrations through their skin and kidneys. The process of osmoregulation is important for the proper functioning of cells and organs. It allows organisms to adapt to diverse environments with varying levels of salinity and water availability.

Types of Osmoregulation

Osmoregulation can be divided into two types depending on the mechanisms used by different organisms to regulate water and solute balance. Two types of osmoregulation are:


These are the organisms that match their body osmolarity, i.e., the concentration of solute in their surroundings, actively or passively. The organism does not actively regulate its internal osmolarity but instead allows it to match its external environment. The process is most common in marine animals like Jellyfish, Starfish, and marine worms.


These organisms actively maintain an internal osmolarity different from their surroundings. Despite the presence of salt concentrations in the surrounding area, osmoregulators actively control salt concentrations. To maintain their internal environment, osmoregulators use various methods, including physiological and behavioural adaptations. The most common example is humans. Other examples include marine and freshwater fish.

Osmoregulation in Different Organisms

Each organism has developed its specific mechanism to maintain water and solute balance to adapt to its diverse environments. Osmoregulation in various organisms is described below:

Osmoregulation in Fish

The process of osmoregulation is different in marine and freshwater fishes as the concentration of solute is different in the two types of water.

Osmoregulation in Freshwater Fish

The concentration of solute in the freshwater is low, therefore, freshwater fishes are hypertonic to their surrounding environment. These fishes face the problem of excess water intake. Therefore, to eliminate excess water they produce a large amount of urine. Along with the urine, some amount of salt is also lost. They maintain the concentration of salt in their body by actively taking the salts with the help of mitochondria-rich cells in the gills. These cells allow the absorption of salt from the surrounding water into the blood.

Osmoregulation in Marine Fish

The concentration of solute in the marine water is high as compared to the internal environment of the marine fishes. These fishes are, therefore, hypotonic to their surroundings. To overcome the problem of high solute concentration in their surrounding, these marine fishes drink large amounts of water and restrict their urine output. They excrete the excess amount of salt present in their body through gills.

Osmoregulation in Bacteria

Bacteria or other microorganisms like protists regulate their fluid and solute concentration through membrane transport proteins. With the help of a transport mechanism they absorb electrolytes when osmolarity around it increases.

Osmoregulation in Plants

There is no specific organ present in the plants to regulate the fluid concentration. Stomata present on the leaves regulate water loss through evapotranspiration, and the vacuole regulates the concentration of solute in the cytoplasm of the cell. Osmoregulation in plants helps to maintain turgor pressure and support structures.

Xerophytes have leaf modifications to reduce water loss, such as needle-shaped leaves, sunken stomata, and thick, waxy cuticles. Hydrophytes that grow in the aquatic environment do not face much of a problem of water scarcity; water absorption occurs through the whole surface of the leaves. Halophytes are the plants that grow in soils that have a high concentration of salt. In these plants, the root cells develop lower water potential, which brings in water by osmosis. The excess salt can either be stored in cells or excreted from salt glands on leaves.

Osmoregulation in Animals

Animals have specific organs that control and regulate the fluid and solute balance in the body. Most of the reptiles and birds excrete nitrogenous wastes as uric acid. It helps them conserve water. They also have specialized glands, such as salt glands in marine birds, for excreting excess salts. Terrestrial animals, including mammals, regulate water balance through kidneys.

Osmoregulation in Humans

Humans have specific organs to perform osmoregulation. Kidney reabsorb water, amino acids and glucose to maintain solute balance. It is controlled by hormones such as antidiuretic hormone (ADH), Aldosterone, and Angiotensin II. If the amount of water in the body is high, it produces a large amount of hypotonic urine. If the water level is low in the body, it retains water and produces a low amount of hypertonic urine. Sweat glands and respiratory surfaces also play roles in water loss and temperature regulation.

Importance of Osmoregulation

The importance of osmoregulation is as follows:

  • It ensures the proper functioning of the cell by maintaining water and electrolyte balance.
  • It allows the organism to survive and adapt to diverse environmental situations including varying levels of salinity and water availability.
  • Osmoregulation helps in maintaing homeostasis and provides internal stability to the organism.
  • Osmoregulation helps prevent overhydration in aquatic environments, and dehydration in terrestrial environments. It optimizes the water levels.
  • Osmoregulation has an impact on interactions between organisms and their environments and influences ecosystem dynamics.

FAQs – Osmoregulation

1. What is Osmoregulation?

Osmoregulation is the active regulation of the osmotic pressure of an organism’s body fluids. It is done through the activation of osmoreceptors. It maintains homeostasis in the body.

2. What does Osmoregulation depend on?

Osmoregulation depends on the environment of the organism, including water availability, salt concentration. It also depends on the physiological and behavioral adaptations for maintaining internal water and solute balance.

3. Is Osmoregulation Active or Passive?

Osmoregulation can involve both active and passive processes. Active transport mechanisms, such as ion pumps in cell membranes, actively regulate the concentration of ions. Passive processes, like osmosis, moves water across membranes in response to concentration gradients.

4. What controls Osmoregulation in Humans?

Osmoregulation in humans is controlled by hypothalamus which regulates water balance by releasing antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituitary gland. ADH acts on the kidneys to increase water reabsorption and help maintain osmotic balance.

5. What are the Important Roles of Osmoregulation?

Osmoregulation helps control and regulate water potential so as to keep fluid and electrolyte balance within a cell as compared to its surrounding. It helps in maintaining oosmotic pressure within the cell.

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