Organizational Theory: Meaning, Objectives and Types

What is Organizational Theory?

Organizational theory is a field of study that examines how organizations are structured, managed, and operated. It encompasses a wide range of interdisciplinary perspectives, including sociology, psychology, economics, and management. Organizational theory seeks to understand the dynamics of organizations, their behavior, and their interactions with the external environment. Organizational theory provides valuable insights into the structure, behavior, and functioning of organizations, helping managers, policymakers, and researchers understand and address the complexities of organizational life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Organizational theory draws from various disciplines such as sociology, psychology, economics, and management to understand the structure, behavior, and functioning of organizations.
  • Organizational theory examines key aspects such as organizational structure, behavior, culture, change, and the external environment.

Table of Content

  • Objectives of Organizational Theory
  • Types of Organizational Theory
  • Conclusion
  • Organizational Theory – FAQs

Objectives of Organizational Theory

1. Understanding Organizational Dynamics: Organizational theory aims to comprehend the structure, behavior, and functioning of organizations. By studying various aspects such as organizational structure, culture, behavior, and environment, theorists seek to uncover patterns, relationships, and mechanisms that shape organizational dynamics.

2. Explaining Organizational Behavior: Organizational theory seeks to explain why organizations behave the way they do. It examines factors such as leadership, motivation, communication, decision-making, and power dynamics to understand how individuals and groups interact within organizations and how these interactions influence organizational outcomes.

3. Predicting Organizational Outcomes: Organizational theory strives to predict the outcomes and consequences of organizational actions and decisions. By developing models, frameworks, and theories based on empirical evidence and theoretical principles, theorists aim to anticipate how changes in organizational structure, strategy, culture, or external factors may impact organizational performance and effectiveness.

4. Improving Organizational Performance: Ultimately, the overarching objective of organizational theory is to enhance organizational performance and effectiveness. By providing insights into the factors that contribute to success or failure in organizations, organizational theory informs managerial practice, strategic planning, and organizational development efforts, helping leaders make informed decisions and implement effective strategies to achieve organizational goals.

Types of Organizational Theory

1. Classical Theory: Classical organizational theory focuses on principles of organizational structure and efficiency. It includes approaches such as scientific management and administrative theory, which emphasize hierarchy, specialization, and rationality in organizational design.

2. Human Relations Theory: Human relations theory emphasizes the importance of social relationships, motivation, and employee satisfaction in organizational performance. It highlights the role of factors such as leadership, communication, and group dynamics in shaping organizational behavior.

3. Systems Theory: Systems theory views organizations as complex systems composed of interconnected parts. It analyzes how inputs, processes, and outputs interact within organizations, considering factors such as feedback loops, adaptation, and system equilibrium.

4. Contingency Theory: Contingency theory asserts that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to organizational design and management. It argues that the most effective organizational structures, strategies, and practices depend on the unique circumstances and contingencies facing each organization.

5. Institutional Theory: Institutional theory examines how organizations are influenced by societal norms, values, and institutional pressures. It focuses on how organizations seek legitimacy and conformity to institutional expectations through structures, practices, and symbolic actions.

6. Resource Dependence Theory: Resource dependence theory explores how organizations acquire and manage resources to survive and thrive. It analyzes the relationships between organizations and their external environment, including stakeholders, competitors, suppliers, and regulators.

7. Organizational Culture Theory: Organizational culture theory studies the shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices that shape organizational behavior and identity. It examines how culture is created, maintained, and transmitted within organizations and its impact on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance.

8. Neo-Institutional Theory: Neo-institutional theory builds on institutional theory and focuses on the processes of institutionalization, isomorphism, and organizational change. It explores how organizations conform to institutional norms and structures, as well as how they innovate and adapt to institutional pressures.


In conclusion, organizational theory constitutes an interdisciplinary panoply of paradigms and viewpoints which aim to bring clarity and comprehension to the multifaceted concept of organizational operation. They do it through different perspectives on organization like structure, culture, behaviour and external impacts. Those perspectives help understand the organization’s behaviour and management.

Organizational Theory – FAQs

What is the impact of globalization on organizational theory?

Globalization is also naturally bringing about new problems such as cross-cultural management and global competition, making necessary adjustments to the companies’ structures and strategies.

How does organizational theory address digital transformation?

It deals with the effect of digitalization on businesses, analyzing the way technologies alter processes, structures, and culture. The focus is on assisting organizations to understand how to embrace digital transformation and manage the changes.

What are the ethical considerations in organizational theory?

Ethics-related issues regarding involvement in ethical leadership, CSR, and the fair treatment of staff and investors are the main ones.

Can organizational theory help with crisis management?

Yes, it gives an answer for how to tailor the model both organizationally and situationally to cope with the unexpected.

How does organizational theory relate to knowledge management?

It analyzes the generation, diffusion and application of knowledge as well as the roles they play in nurturing the culture of innovation while ensuring optimal strategic positioning.

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