Oracle On Campus Interview Experience for Associate Solution Engineer

It was a pool campus and around 6 colleges had participated for the interview.

Round 1: The first round was online test which was conducted on Oracle’s own platform and it consisted of the following sections

(i) Coding Skills (Predict the output, error in the code snippet, time complexity analysis etc.)

(ii) Software Engineering skills ( Predict the output of the flowchart etc.)

(iii) Aptitude & logical Reasoning

(iv) English

Each of the sections were individually timed, so you have to finish the section in given amount of time. Also for a question answer once submitted and moved ahead  you cannot go back to the previous question. So you cannot go back and rectify. So take your time answer the questions.

Round 2: After the first round, some 40 students sat for the interview from my college and in total 150 students from all the colleges in total.

The second round was a technical round which comprised of 40 minutes and had various questions from Data Structures and Algorithms.

  • Do a detailed walk-through for merge sort which included best case, worst case and average case time complexity analysis. i had mentioned about Java in my resume, so they asked about stuffs related to JVM. Then they asked about the garbage collection and how does it takes place in Java.
  • Some basic concepts related to OOPS was asked like what is Runtime Polymorphism, Abstraction, Data Encapsulation etc.

After this the interviewer asked me two puzzles.

  • Puzzle 1: If you have two bags, 1st bag consists of 3 red and 2 black balls and the 2nd bag consists of 3 black 2 green balls. Now both the bags are mixed together. How many minimum number of balls should one pick such that you will get at least two balls of the same colour.
  • Puzzle 2: The second puzzle was about the famous Water-Jug problem which is a direct application of diophantine equation.

Later, some in depth questions were asked about the projects I had done.

The second round had experienced a lot of rejections. Somewhere around 50 students qualified for the next round.

Round 3: The third round started with some more questions on the technical aspects and mainly questions were asked on projects done and some questions about the things I had mentioned in my resume. In this round, all the students were supposed to give presentation on certain topics which they had mentioned before hand in the mail which they had sent to the shortlisted students. That was followed by some technical questions which required some basic idea of the latest evolving technology like Machine Learning, Cloud computing etc.

This round went for 30 minutes and they announced the shortlist for the next round.

After this some 30 students went for the next round.

Round 4: This was a managerial round where again we were asked about some pretty simple technical questions related to Machine Learning like why do you think Machine Learning is so sought after technology  and questions like that.

This round went for 7-8 minutes. After this round, 20 students were shortlisted for the next round.

Round 5: This was the last round and it was an H.R. round. This round was pretty satifying as the H.R. explained about the work which we are going to do if we are shortlisted and then she asked me if I had any questions for her and concluded that round.

That was the end of the interviews and after 1 hour of intense discussion the HR announced the results. I was fortunate to be one among the 4 people who finally made it till the last.

I would like to thank w3wiki for the extensive amount of support in terms of honing my technical skill. I would suggest everyone who are aspiring to sit for the placements this year to practice thoroughly from w3wiki.

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