Oracle Interview Experience for Summer Internship 2021

  • Academic Year: Third Year Undergraduate
  • Branch: Computer Science and Engineering
  • Current CGPA: 8.67
  • Eligible Branches: CSE, IT, and ECE

Oracle was the first company of which I have cleared the coding round, so I was very excited for the Interview which held the very

The next day after the list of shortlisted students came. They selected 27 for the Interview which is completely virtual due to Covid.

Oracle came to our campus with one profile for an Internship: Server Technology

Round 1 (Coding Round): This was the qualifying test for the interview. It was MCQ Test held on the Oracle Test Platform. In this, we need to solve the questions in 107 minutes. All questions were divided into four subsets. Each subset had its own time for solving.

There were 4 subsets:

  1. English and Communication (25 minutes)
  2. CS core Subjects(25 minutes)
  3. Data Structures and Algorithm (20 minutes)
  4. Software Engineering Set(40 minutes)

In this, there was no negative marking and you need to solve it in one go because you cannot come back to a question once you have seen it and gone to the next one.

The questions were in JAVA :). There were questions in each subsection which basically checks the speed and the accuracy of the candidate. You need to have in-depth knowledge of CS Fundamentals, Aptitude, Data Structures, and Algorithms as They asked OOPS through code debugging and output predictions.

Based on the performance in the test and in each subsection, they shortlisted students for Internship Interview and after then the very next day we have our

Interviews which is the very first interview of my life ?

Interview Rounds: The Interviewer was super friendly.

Round 1: The Interview was scheduled for 5th October in the morning at 09:00 AM. First, the interviewer asked about me, about college life, and what skills I gained. I told all my achievements and all skills that I gained in the period.

  1. Then she asked about my hobbies.
  2. She asked me my language preference and I told her C++ as I am more comfortable in it. Then she asked me about my favorite book which I have read in recent times ?
  3. She asked me about each and every project mentioned in my resume so write only those with whom you are comfortable ?
  4. She set up the IDE- coderpad and asked me to write code for:
  5. Finding the smallest element in a sorted and Rotated Array then I coded it.
  6. She asked me to run some hard coded values as test cases and it was fine. The code was fine the asked me for one Puzzle.
  7. She asked me for a puzzle.

With this, the round was over. It lasted for about 45 minutes. Within the next 30 minutes, I had a second round. About 14 of us were shortlisted for the second round.

Round 2 (Technical + HR): Again the interviewer was very friendly and super chill which made me more comfortable and this round was.

  1. He asked me about he asked about my favourite subjects in Academics. I answered Data Structure and Algorithms which was a part of my college curriculum.
  2. Then he started asking questions on the same, firstly difference between Arrays and Linked Lists then he moved on to reverse a linked list to almost everything about it.
  3. Then he started asking about the projects very thoroughly and some questions beyond them too even and I can’t emphasize this more.

This round lasted 30 minutes approximately.

Some To-Do’s:

  1. Work Seriously on everything which you have mentioned otherwise don’t mention it.
  2. Have a Single Page resume and not more than that.
  3. Be honest with the interviewer.
  4. Be Confident because that’d the main thing.
  5. Don’t fumble if you don’t know the answer just say NO that would save you more than if you are getting fumble.
  6. Ready for the worst-case even.
  7. Be thorough with your Resume.

This interview was the first one for me that I gave and I think clearing the first one isn’t everybody’s cup of tea and I can’t clear too but writing so that others can get a full Insight.

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