Oracle Interview Experience for Cloud Tech Consultant FTE

There was a total of 3 rounds of interviews. One online test and 2 technical interview rounds. 1 Aptitude Test, 2 Entirely Technical Interview all in one day. Due to covid-19 all the process below was conducted online on Zoom. Within 1 hour of the process completion we received the offer letter from Oracle.

Online Round:  

  • Aptitude Test: (Total duration: 2 hours)
  • Test is section based and time based. Test is long and stressing but you can take breaks in between sections. Keep some time at the end to make a calculated or random guess (No Negative marking).
  • Imp. Topics for the test: AVL tree, Coding Flow charts, SQL queries, OS (Major topics like deadlocks, understand process and threads their scheduling algorithms), Database, OOPs (Do it well All major practices like encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, etc).
  • 36 out of 223 were shortlisted for the interview round

Technical Interview Round 1: The interview was conducted on the Zoom, and it was around 45 mins. The interview started with a basic self-introduction and then the interviewer started with the technical questions.

  • Write CREATE Table for Employee and Department
  • Perform join operation
  • Write a query to find out the departments where number of employees are greater than 100.
  • Write a C++ code for storing names of employee and sort them in ascending order[Cant use inbuilt sort]


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//Time Complexity:O(n^2) 
//SpaceO(1) extra space complexity
void my_sort(vector<string>&v)
    int n=v.size();
    for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++)
        for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
int main() 
    // your code goes here
    int n;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
        string s;
    for(auto ch:v)
    return 0;

  • Convert array to a Linked List :
  • Asked some question related to CS Fundamentals like Normalisation, Difference between 3NF, BCNF , Inheritance, Polymorphism, Paging
  • Then he started asking about my project like what is Machine Learning, What is Linear Regression & Why I have used Linear Regression in my project?
  • Asked questions related to data processing and EDA
  • Why did I perform standardization on the data?
  • What inference did I draw from the plotting pair plots?
  • Where did I host my application?

24 people out of 36 moved to Round 2 

Technical Interview Round 2: The interview was conducted on the Zoom, and it was around 30 mins. The interview started with a basic self-introduction and then the interviewer started with the technical questions.

  • SQL query to find employee names with their manager names[Can be solved using Self Join]
  • How can you style Html components ?
  • Which tag is used to link files in Html?
  • What is ML?
  • Describe your project? What does it do actually? How did to come across choosing models while developing the application?
  • What is Flask? Why did you chose Flask not Django while building the application?
  • What is Inheritance? Write a code showing Multiple Inheritance
  • What is Polymorphism? What are the types of Polymorphism?
  • Write a code for Function Overloading.
  • Write a code to demonstrate Runtime Polymorphism.

Finally 15 people out of 24 got the selection mail and I was one of them.

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