Oracle Interview Experience for 2.5 year

Over Mail you will get interview invite link and other details.

Platform – Zoom

Ones you joined a basic process to verify your identify with [Prof ID] and then Co-ordinate person will move you internally to next person zoom bridge

for technical round 1.

Round 1 –

  • Tell me about yourself and one followed up question on intro.
  • Which verion of java you were working ?
  • One Pseudo code and ask to tell output [ totally based on Static methode and static variable and thier order of invocation ]
  • Reverse a string without using any in build function in java.
  • Two file has some content in it, how can you write a program to find number of matching words.
  • Follow up question from – print matching word count with line [ per line line how many matching count ].
  • What is singleton class ?
  • What if i have one arraylist inside singleton class and i try to access it from other class add some element with in will it break singleton for that class ?
  • How you will prevent singleton nature of class with arraylist ?

You will be push back to your prior Room where other people also waiting for thier Round 1 result. a person will come with result who need to stay.

Round 2 –

  • One link will be shared in chat room, leetcode problem and he will ask you to share screen to solve [ pick toy from store problem recurrion based ]
  • We arraylist and i want modify it like it shoud not allow any insertation action on it ?
  • I have a object of user with property Name, EmpID, Salary and am using Hashset to store all this data, but there is one problem some of employee having duplicate entry with same name for example [ John, join or Max, max]. what modification and where need to modify to ignore duplicate entries like that [ no other fields has unique data ].

Round 3 –

  • Tell me about yourself like how you execute you day and how you plan your task and timings.
  • Discussion about product.
  • Did you purpose anything as improvement task for your product if yes, how you plan like discussing with team and implemantion.

Round 4 – HR Discussion more on CTC and some basic question like Why Oracle, Why to left current org etc.

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