Oracle Interview Experience (Application Developer for OFSS)

Round 1 was similar to above link.
36 students were shortlisted for next round.

Round 2(F2F)(Technical Round-1)(30-35min) :

The interviewer was very friendly.He took my resume first and started with “Tell Me Something about yourself”. I indroduced myself formaly.

I wrote JAVA in resume so he asked me normal question in Java. Oops Concepts and Collections.
The interview is pretty much in your direction only like the next question will be follow up of previous questions.
NOTE: He told me to tell me about 3 OOPS concepts. I contradicted him and said there are 4. That also shows confidence. Then he asked me difference between abstraction and encapsulation. I told him that map.put(k, v) is example of abstraction as we dont know the implementation of the method (implementation hiding). Then without asking about encapsulation he asked me where is hashmap stored in java. I told him about class path and env path variable. He was not much satisfied and he excepted answer to be JAR file. LINK

Then he asked me what have u done at your internship. I began by explaining the whole business and architecture of my project but he told me that I just want to know what you have done. Asked very briefly.

Then I had written in my resume complete web application (college project). He asked me some very basic questions about it like software stack, how did you validate username password, etc.

Then he asked me a final code of factorial using recursion and complete stacktrace with example. I gave the most trivial solution but i was ready to explain even tail recursion but he didnt want it.

Important thing: I had read many experiences about Oracle that it will ask SQL or database related. I wasn’t asked a single question regarding that. Maybe because that wasn’t mentioned on my RESUME.

That’s it. 9 were shortlisted for Tech Round 2.


Round 3 (F2F)(Technical Round-2)(30-35min):

First question was tell me in which companies you have applied and have gone through interview.

I replied well. He asked me about HSBC. I told him I just wanted to work for new age technologies (Acers profile) and after tech round 1 in HSBC, I was directly called for HR which means I would only get Strikers profile. Then he asked me about what new age technologies are you familiar with? I told him AI, ML, Block Chain, Cloud Computing. He told me to explain me any one. I told him I know all 4 but very basic only theory not practical application as I have never implemented it. He told me no problem and explain me any one. I told him I am comfortable with all you can ask me any one. He told me block chain.

The entire interview was on Block Chain. I started with basics and told him whatever I knew. He gave me a situational problem that tell me purpose and method of implementing vehicle registration via blockchain as I explained only Bitcoin application of Block Chain. He even told me that if I correctly gave this answer I am done with the interview.

Unfortunately, I didn’t explain well. Then he only started telling me the answer and explaining me in depth what is the solution to his problem. I listened well and after that again asked him some questions which shows you are a keen listener and eager to learn. Finally he asked me any questions. I asked him to give me my feedback. He told me that your basics are good but you only have bookish knowledge. You haven’t gone into the depth of it. The diagram with which you have explained is very trivial and bookish. I told him thats what I told you in the beginning that I know  very basic only theory not practical application as I have never implemented it. I hadn’t even mentioned blockchain in my RESUME. I just told him I had read about it when bitcoin surged to 20k dollars. 6 were shortlisted for HR.


Round 4 (F2F)(HR) (15-20min):

First question was tell me in which companies you have applied till now. (different than tech2)

Then typical HR questions like about yourself,   why should we hire you, why should we not hire you, why did you not get PPO during internship, do you have any other offers (ANSWER: not allowed by our college in multiple dream companies) future study plan (with proper explanation), etc.

One puzzle. Array is given largest number at center, second largest at right of center, third largest at left of center, fourth largest at right of second largest, and so on. I answered by two approaches.

  1. Tree. He was like dont use other Data Structure, extra  memory.
  2. It means smallest element is at leftmost and second smallest is at rightmost. Use a flag to iterate once through left and then once through right and so on. I am not sure if I am right but he seemed satisfied. Please google the exact answer once.

Finally all 6 were given offer letter. I was the only guy from IT engineering. 3 were from Electronics and Telecommunication, 1 was from Electronics and 1 was from MTech.

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