Oracle Interview Experience

When I went in for my software interview at Oracle, the process started off with a phone screen where the interviewer asked me about my background and experience in software development, particularly in relation to database management systems.

  • After that, I went in for my in-person interview. They asked me about my experience with database management systems such as Oracle Database, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, as well as my experience with programming languages such as Java, C++, and SQL. In addition, they asked about my experience with programming languages.
  • Following the screening over the phone, I was subsequently invited for an in-person interview, during which I spoke with a panel of interviewers. Questions of both a technical and behavioral nature were asked of the candidate during the on-site interview.
  • The technical questions focused on determining whether or not I understood database management systems and SQL, as well as whether or not I could solve problems by employing the languages with which I was most familiar. In addition to that, in order to solve the issue that they gave me, they requested that I write some code on a whiteboard.
  • My experience working in teams, my capacity to communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, and how I react when confronted with challenging circumstances were the primary focuses of the behavioral questions.
  • The interviewers conducted themselves in a manner that was both professional and cordial throughout the entire process, and they offered comments and suggestions based on my responses. In addition to that, they discussed the values of the company and what was expected of me in the position I was applying for.
  • In general, the experience of going through the interview was not only difficult but also enjoyable. My interviewers had a lot of industry experience, and it was a fantastic opportunity for me to showcase my abilities while also gaining insight into the business and the way it operates.
  • The interviewers provided me with feedback following the on-site interview, and they also informed me that they would not be selecting me for the role. Despite the fact that I was let down, I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to interview with a company that has such a stellar reputation, as well as the transparency and feedback provided by the interviewers.

My desire to continue pursuing a career in software development and database management was reaffirmed as a result of the experience, and I intend to make use of the feedback in order to enhance my skills and better prepare myself for future interviews.

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