Oracle India Interview Experience for Cloud Analyst

The recruiter connected with me based on my profile. The profile was for Cloud Analyst at Oracle India. I strongly recommend having an updated profile on both & LinkedIn if looking actively for a job change. We had a telephonic discussion where she was kind enough to answer all my queries related to the profile. Further, she shared the JD and we proceeded with the application.

ROUND 1: TECHNICAL INTERVIEW: The interview was scheduled via zoom call. After my introduction and understanding of my existing developer profile, the interviewer questioned me on some technical challenges I faced and resolved previously. Then I was asked two questions on DSA & ALGO(only the brute force & optimal approach)


Since my work expertise was in Java, I was asked some of the frequently visited java queries :

  •  Usage of StringBuilder vs StringBuffer
  •  Features of Java8: Lambda functions, functional interface
  •  The background behind the usage of Annotations
  •  Comparator vs Comparable
  •  A sample program on multi-threading concepts & synchronize functions
  •  Spring Container & annotations.

ROUND 2: TECHNO-MANAGERIAL ROUND: It was scheduled on the same day as tech interview 1. The interviewers were from the leadership team and were sound in Cloud-Based Architecture. After my detailed introduction & work experience discussion, we jumped on Cloud concepts. I was asked to provide AWS Cloud solutions for 2–3 case studies (AWS was my preferred cloud knowledge domain). Apart from AWS, questions were also from oracle cloud-native services. Also, they asked me questions about my tech skills mentioned and each project I worked on. Another interviewer questioned me on the Beginner for Beginner articles I wrote. From the tech point of view, you can expect questions on React/Java/Cloud/System Design

Managerial part: Panel described to me the role & common challenges faced. They were keen to understand if I was willing to move from AWS cloud to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and how will I re-skill myself. We had a similar discussion for the next 10–15 mins.

HR DISCUSSION: After the interviews, the result was communicated to me through email. I had a clear discussion about my preferences, expected salary & notice period. After two weeks I received the final offer letter.

Hope this helps you to prepare for upcoming interviews.

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