Oracle Financial Services Software Interview Experience for Associate Consultant (On-Campus)

OFSS conducted an on-campus drive at my college(DIT University, Dehradun) The Interview process was mainly divided into 3 rounds: –

Round 1:- Online Coding Round which was conducted on the HackerRank platform. The first question was normal DSA-based (easy-medium).  Second question was based on REST API.  Third question, the last one was based on SQL JOIN operation.

I cleared the first round and was shortlisted for the interview process.

Round 2:- Interview 1, this interview was very easy. It was totally based on SQL (Create table, Delete from the table, etc).

Tip:- Just focus on the basics instead of jumping into high-level operations. They want to check your understanding of the concept.

Round 3:- Just after completing my round 2, OFSS conducted my final round which was Technical + HR. Some questions they asked me were: –

The rest questions were related to SQL and computer fundamentals. Only the basic fundamentals. Also, I would like to add, the interviewer was really friendly and guided me whenever I got stuck in a problem.  

The same day I got the results and was selected by OFSS as an Associate Consultant. 

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