Optum-United Health Group Interview Experience for Software Engineer

Optum came to VIT Vellore, for SDE role on Sept 26, 2021. It consists of 3 rounds. Everything was virtual.  

Round 1(Written Test): It consisted of Aptitude questions, computer fundamental questions, 1 coding question( related to strings and matrix). It was easy. 

  • After test was over, it showed percentage scored. 
  • Those who got above 50% were shortlisted for interview which happened after 2 days. 
  • Around 68 were shortlisted for interview.

Round 2(Tech Interview): Interview invites were sent 8 hours before the interview.  It lasted for 35-40 mins.  

  • Interviewer was friendly. He asked tell me something about yourself, then moved to projects and asked to explain any 1 project. 
  • Then asked me to write program for palindrome. 
  • He then asked questions related to JAVA, SQL.

Round 3(HR Interview): It was a general meeting of all the selected candidates, and situation-based HR questions were asked. For ex: How will you handle a team where  member is not working, any difficulty faced while working on a project, where do you see yourself after 5 years.

RESULT: 32 girls were selected for the full time offer and I was one of them.

TIPS: Be confident in every answer you give. And at the end of the interview do ask him/her, the role you will be working for.

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