Optimizing Team Formation with Grade and Age Constraints

Given two arrays, grades[], and ages[], representing the grades and ages of participants in a competition. The goal is to form teams in a way that maximizes the total grade of each team while adhering to specific constraints. The constraints are defined as follows:

  • Each participant is characterized by a grade and an age.
  • A team is not allowed to have conflicts, meaning that a younger participant cannot have a higher grade than an older participant. However, conflicts do not occur between participants of the same age.


Input: grades = [4, 7, 9, 5, 8] ,ages = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2]
Output: 33
Explanation: In this case we can take all the students , and no conflicting situation occurs, as the conflict would have occurred if an older person with a less grade would be in the team with younger person with more grade, both the students with grades 7 and 9 have ages 2 and 3 respectively, and students with age 5, 8 have ages 1 , 2 respectively, considering a team with all of them would not be a problem.

Input: grades = [1, 2, 3, 4], ages = [4, 3, 2, 1]
Output: 4
Explanation: In this case we can just take student with grade 4 and age 1 as rest all other combinations would result into conflict.

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

  • Define a global 2D array dp for memoization.
  • Implement a recursive function solver that takes i (current student index), and maxage (maximum age in the team), and returns the maximum grade that can be obtained.
  • Base case:
    • If i exceeds the size of grp, return 0 (no more students to consider).
    • If the result for the current ‘i‘ and ‘maxage‘ combination is already calculated, return it.
  • If the age of the current student (grp[i][1]) is greater than or equal to maxage, we have two choices:
    • Include the current student and recursively call the solver for the next student with updated maxage and incremented grade.
    • Skip the current student and call the solver for the next student with the same maxage.
  • Return the maximum value between the two choices as the result for this subproblem.
  • In the main function, create grades and ages vectors and call the bestTeamGrade function with these vectors as arguments. Print the result.

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Define a global 2D array for memoization
int dp[10005][1001];
// Recursive function to find the maximum grade
// for the best team
int solver(vector<vector<int> >& grp, int i, int maxage)
    // Base case: If 'i' exceeds the size of
    // 'grp', return 0
    if (i >= grp.size()) {
        return 0;
    // If the result for current 'i' and 'maxage'
    // combination is already calculated, return it
    if (dp[i][maxage] != -1)
        return dp[i][maxage];
    // If the age of the current student is
    // greater than or equal to 'maxage', we
    // have two choices:
    // 1. Include the current student and
    // recursively call 'solver' for the next
    // student with updated 'maxage' and
    // incremented grade.
    // 2. Skip the current student and call
    // 'solver' for the next student with
    // the same 'maxage'.
    if (grp[i][1] >= maxage) {
        return dp[i][maxage]
            = max(grp[i][0]
                        + solver(grp, i + 1, grp[i][1]),
                    solver(grp, i + 1, maxage));
    // If the age of the current student is less
    // than 'maxage', skip the current student
    return dp[i][maxage] = solver(grp, i + 1, maxage);
// Function to find the maximum grade
// for the best team
int bestTeamGrade(vector<int>& grades, vector<int>& ages)
    // Initialize a 2D vector 'grp' where each
    // element is a vector containing the grade
    // and age of a student.
    vector<vector<int> > grp;
    for (int i = 0; i < grades.size(); i++) {
        vector<int> temp;
    // Initialize the 'dp' array with -1
    // for memoization
    memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
    // Sort the 'grp' vector based on age
    // in ascending order
    sort(grp.begin(), grp.end());
    // Call the 'solver' function with
    // initial values
    return solver(grp, 0, 0);
// Drivers code
int main()
    // Example 'grades' and 'ages' vectors
    vector<int> grades = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    vector<int> ages = { 4, 3, 2, 1 };
    // Call the 'bestTeamGrade' function and
    // print the result
    cout << bestTeamGrade(grades, ages);
    return 0;


// Java code for the above approach:
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Define a global D array for memoization
    static int[][] dp = new int[10005][1001];
    // Recursive function to find the maximum grade
    // for the best team
    static int solver(List<List<Integer> > grp, int i,
                      int maxage)
        // Base case: If 'i' exceeds the size of
        // 'grp', return 0
        if (i >= grp.size()) {
            return 0;
        // If the result for current 'i' and 'maxage'
        // combination is already calculated, return it
        if (dp[i][maxage] != -1)
            return dp[i][maxage];
        // If the age of the current student is
        // greater than or equal to 'maxage', we
        // have two choices:
        // 1. Include the current student and
        // recursively call 'solver' for the next
        // student with updated 'maxage' and
        // incremented grade.
        // 2. Skip the current student and call
        // 'solver' for the next student with
        // the same 'maxage'.
        if (grp.get(i).get(1) >= maxage) {
            return dp[i][maxage]
                = Math.max(grp.get(i).get(0)
                               + solver(grp, i + 1,
                           solver(grp, i + 1, maxage));
        // If the age of the current student is less
        // than 'maxage', skip the current student
        return dp[i][maxage] = solver(grp, i + 1, maxage);
    // Function to find the maximum grade
    // for the best team
    static int bestTeamGrade(List<Integer> grades,
                             List<Integer> ages)
        // Initialize a 2D list 'grp' where each
        // element is a list containing the grade
        // and age of a student.
        List<List<Integer> > grp = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < grades.size(); i++) {
            List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>();
        // Initialize the 'dp' array with -1
        // for memoization
            row -> Arrays.fill(row, -1));
        // Sort the 'grp' list based on age
        // in ascending order
                         (a, b) -> a.get(0) - b.get(0));
        // Call the 'solver' function with
        // initial values
        return solver(grp, 0, 0);
    // Drivers code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Example 'grades' and 'ages' lists
        List<Integer> grades = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4);
        List<Integer> ages = List.of(4, 3, 2, 1);
        // Call the 'bestTeamGrade' function and
        // print the result
        System.out.println(bestTeamGrade(grades, ages));
// This code is contributed by ragul21


# Python code for the above approach
# Define a global D array for memoization
dp = [[-1 for _ in range(1001)] for _ in range(10005)]
# Recursive function to find the maximum grade
# for the best team
def solver(grp, i, maxage):
    # Base case: If 'i' exceeds the size of
    # 'grp', return 0
    if i >= len(grp):
        return 0
    # If the result for the current 'i' and 'maxage'
    # combination is already calculated, return it
    if dp[i][maxage] != -1:
        return dp[i][maxage]
    # If the age of the current student is
    # greater than or equal to 'maxage', we
    # have two choices:
    # 1. Include the current student and
    # recursively call 'solver' for the next
    # student with updated 'maxage' and
    # incremented grade.
    # 2. Skip the current student and call
    # 'solver' for the next student with
    # the same 'maxage'.
    if grp[i][1] >= maxage:
        dp[i][maxage] = max(
            grp[i][0] + solver(grp, i + 1, grp[i][1]),
            solver(grp, i + 1, maxage)
        return dp[i][maxage]
    # If the age of the current student is less
    # than 'maxage', skip the current student
    dp[i][maxage] = solver(grp, i + 1, maxage)
    return dp[i][maxage]
# Function to find the maximum grade
# for the best team
def best_team_grade(grades, ages):
    # Initialize a 2D list 'grp' where each
    # element is a list containing the grade
    # and age of a student.
    grp = [[grades[i], ages[i]] for i in range(len(grades))]
    # Initialize the 'dp' array with -1
    # for memoization
    for row in dp:
        for i in range(len(row)):
            row[i] = -1
    # Sort the 'grp' list based on age
    # in ascending order
    grp.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    # Call the 'solver' function with
    # initial values
    return solver(grp, 0, 0)
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example 'grades' and 'ages' lists
    grades = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    ages = [4, 3, 2, 1]
    # Call the 'best_team_grade' function and
    # print the result
    print(best_team_grade(grades, ages))


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Solution
    // Define a global 2D array for memoization
    static int[,] dp = new int[10005, 1001];
    // Recursive function to find the maximum grade
    // for the best team
    static int Solver(List<int[]> grp, int i, int maxAge)
        // Base case: If 'i' exceeds the size of 'grp', return 0
        if (i >= grp.Count)
            return 0;
        // If the result for current 'i' and 'maxAge'
        // combination is already calculated, return it
        if (dp[i, maxAge] != -1)
            return dp[i, maxAge];
        // If the age of the current student is
        // greater than or equal to 'maxAge', we
        // have two choices:
        // 1. Include the current student and
        // recursively call 'Solver' for the next
        // student with updated 'maxAge' and
        // incremented grade.
        // 2. Skip the current student and call
        // 'Solver' for the next student with
        // the same 'maxAge'.
        if (grp[i][1] >= maxAge)
            return (dp[i, maxAge] = Math.Max(
                grp[i][0] + Solver(grp, i + 1, grp[i][1]),
                Solver(grp, i + 1, maxAge)
        // If the age of the current student is less
        // than 'maxAge', skip the current student
        return (dp[i, maxAge] = Solver(grp, i + 1, maxAge));
    // Function to find the maximum grade
    // for the best team
    static int BestTeamGrade(int[] grades, int[] ages)
        // Initialize a List 'grp' where each
        // element is an array containing the grade
        // and age of a student.
        List<int[]> grp = new List<int[]>();
        for (int i = 0; i < grades.Length; i++)
            grp.Add(new int[] { grades[i], ages[i] });
        // Sort the 'grp' list based on age
        grp.Sort((a, b) => a[0].CompareTo(b[0]));
        // Call the 'Solver' function with
        // initial values
        return Solver(grp, 0, 0);
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Example 'grades' and 'ages' arrays
        int[] grades = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
        int[] ages = { 4, 3, 2, 1 };
        // Initialize dp array with -1
        for (int i = 0; i < 10005; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 1001; j++)
                dp[i, j] = -1;
        // Call the 'BestTeamGrade' function and
        // print the result
        Console.WriteLine(BestTeamGrade(grades, ages));


// Define a global 2D array for memoization
let dp = new Array(10005).fill().map(() => new Array(1001).fill(-1));
// Recursive function to find the maximum grade
// for the best team
function solver(grp, i, maxage) {
    // Base case: If 'i' exceeds the size of
    // 'grp', return 0
    if (i >= grp.length) {
        return 0;
    // If the result for current 'i' and 'maxage'
    // combination is already calculated, return it
    if (dp[i][maxage] !== -1) {
        return dp[i][maxage];
    // If the age of the current student is
    // greater than or equal to 'maxage', we
    // have two choices:
    // 1. Include the current student and
    // recursively call 'solver' for the next
    // student with updated 'maxage' and
    // incremented grade.
    // 2. Skip the current student and call
    // 'solver' for the next student with
    // the same 'maxage'.
    if (grp[i][1] >= maxage) {
        return (dp[i][maxage] = Math.max(
            grp[i][0] + solver(grp, i + 1, grp[i][1]),
            solver(grp, i + 1, maxage)
    // If the age of the current student is less
    // than 'maxage', skip the current student
    return (dp[i][maxage] = solver(grp, i + 1, maxage));
// Function to find the maximum grade
// for the best team
function bestTeamGrade(grades, ages) {
    // Initialize a 2D array 'grp' where each
    // element is an array containing the grade
    // and age of a student.
    let grp = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
        grp.push([grades[i], ages[i]]);
    // Sort the 'grp' array based on age
    // in ascending order
    grp.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
    // Call the 'solver' function with
    // initial values
    return solver(grp, 0, 0);
// Example 'grades' and 'ages' arrays
let grades = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let ages = [4, 3, 2, 1];
// Call the 'bestTeamGrade' function and
// print the result
console.log(bestTeamGrade(grades, ages));



Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Auxiliary space: O(n*m), for the dp array, where ‘n’ is the number of students and ‘m’ is the maximum age.

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