OLTP Full Form

OLTP stands for Online Transaction Processing. It is a kind of data processing approach which involves the use of transaction-oriented tasks. OLTP has a major role in business intelligence which helps in the decision making process. The database systems are used to perform online transactions and query processing. It consists of real-life operations such as banking, accounting, purchasing, etc. It has high performance and is used by IT professionals.

OLTP was first made operational in 1970 and was made by IBM for American Airlines. It first ran on IBM 7090 computers. Then gradually OLTP came into use for fields like banks, hotels, credit card companies, etc.


  • High availability: OLTP systems have high availability requirements. It is well integrated with high availability offerings that SQL server provides.
  • Data storage: The data in OLTP systems is stored at transaction level.
  • Normalized database design: It has a normalized database design.
  • Useful for small transactions: OLTP can work properly on small amounts of data and is useful for small transactions.
  • Less response time:: OLTP systems have less response time which is very useful.


  • It is faster and has more accuracy.
  • It can handle large amount of data and complex calculations.
  • It is very user friendly and easy to use.
  • It is has high efficiency and excellent response time.


  • There are chances of the system getting hacked by unethical users.
  • In case of hardware or power failure the data can be lost.
  • Multiple requests at a time are difficult to handle.
  • The server may hang for some time due to excess load.

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