Oasis Infobyte Internship Experience

Hello everyone, today I’m thrilled to share my journey of embarking on a web development internship at Oasis Infobyte. This experience wasn’t just about learning new skills; it was a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.

About Oasis Infobyte

The internship at Oasis Infobyte was a free, self-paced opportunity that spanned across various domains. From the outset, it presented itself as a platform for enthusiasts like me to dive into the world of web development. The promise of receiving a certificate upon completion was an added incentive, motivating me to seize this chance for professional advancement.

Where do I find this Internship?

When I first stumbled upon this internship on LinkedIn, I saw it as more than just a chance to gain technical knowledge. It was an invitation to explore my passion for web development in a structured and supportive environment. Without hesitation, I embraced this opportunity, eager to expand my skill set and enhance my expertise.

What you will get after completion?

Offer Letter and Letter of completion.

Projects To be Submitted:

As part of the internship, I opted for the web development track and was assigned three tasks at level 2. Each task presented its unique set of challenges and learning opportunities:

Task 1: Creating a Simple Calculator: This task allowed me to flex my coding muscles by developing a basic calculator application. It served as a foundational exercise in understanding JavaScript functions and DOM manipulation.

my calculator task

Task 2: Building a Tribute Page: Building a tribute page was an exercise in creativity and design. It required me to combine HTML and CSS to craft a visually appealing homage to a person of significance.

Task 3: Developing a Basic To-Do List Web Application: Task 3 presented the challenge of building a foundation for a web-based to-do list application. From project structuring to incorporating key functionalities such as task creation, editing, and deletion, this task offered a practical introduction to the core concepts and technologies underlying web app development.

my to-do web app

Task 4: Implementing Login Authentication: The final task involved implementing login authentication, a crucial aspect of web security. It required me to delve into concepts such as user authentication, session management, and password hashing.

my sample login page


Throughout this journey, I immersed myself in learning frontend web development through various resources, including FreeCodeCamp videos and other online platforms. With dedication and perseverance, I tackled each task, leveraging my newfound knowledge to overcome obstacles and deliver quality solutions.

As I reflect on my internship experience, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made and the skills I’ve acquired. The completion of tasks and the code attached below stand as tangible evidence of my growth as a web developer.

Moving Forward:

While my internship at Oasis Infobyte may have come to an end, my journey in web development is far from over. Armed with valuable insights and experiences, I’m ready to take on new challenges and continue honing my craft.


In conclusion, my internship at Oasis Infobyte has been an invaluable experience that has shaped me both personally and professionally. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such a dynamic and supportive community, and I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills gained in future endeavors.

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