o9 Solutions Interview Experience for Consultant (On-Campus)

About Me: I am a 2018-2022 batch student of the Chemical Engineering branch at NIT Raipur.  I got placed in o9 Solutions as a consultant.

Procedure: In the 1st week of September we had our placement process. Initially, we had Resume/ GPA shortlisting.  The second step was the Aptitude test and in continuation SQL test. The shortlisted candidates based on marks of Aptitude and Technical tests were invited for an Interview.  Initially, it was supposed to be a 2 round interview process but because of time constraints it was then combined into one interview of longer duration- 45 minutes [tech+ hr interview]


  • The interviewer introduced himself and asked whether I had lunch… [I said yes], what did you eat was the follow-up question?
  • Thereafter he asked me to introduce myself …. I did the same
  • Next, he cross-questioned about my internships and training….[explain this internship at IOCL, BSP….. What did you do at IIT KGP, etc… ]
  • Next, he asked me to explain my projects and thereafter some questions like:
  • You are from a chemical engineering background. How will you cope?
  • How did you find the SQL test that you gave in the 1st round… [Technical Test]
  • Tell me how to get prime numbers: logic/ algorithm.
  • A coding question [logic only he specified clearly since he knew I’m not into coding] related to Palindrome.. then I explained and he asked to explain the same for a number XYZ [101 or something like that]…
  • Questions related to programming and SQL that are usually asked in interviews like Joins, the difference between types of joins, finding second highest marks/ salary from the data, truncate, delete, drop difference, DML, DDL, TCL- explain with examples. 
  • Difference between MySQL & SQL. [He asked this because I had mentioned in my resume MySQL & SQL both]. 

There were a few other questions that you can easily find on the GFG SQL interview video. I referred them.

  • Have you ever been in a situation where your teammates while working on something like a project got into a fight/ misunderstanding or brawl… what did you do then to stop this fight and ensure that the project is completed.
  • He asked me things related to basketball [I had it on my resume].
  • Any questions for me?

I asked him; he answered… then your Interview is over!

Result: Selected.

Note: I had informed the interviewer that currently I am not in touch with programming since I was into chemical engineering studies and then into SQL, MYSQL, etc. stuff, this is why in the past sometimes I have not been into coding.  So he said, no worries I just want to test your logic. But basic questions related to C++, Python, SQL, Projects, tools, technologies, and whatsoever the candidate mentioned in their resume were asked. So it might vary a little bit from person to person, college to college, role to role.

Resources: There are plenty of sources on the Web you can study from any of them. I studied from Beginner for Beginner, referred to interview videos of gfg, made notes, and practiced questions.  SQL, Python, and CPP- basic level,  Data visualization tools like BI, and Tableau are an added advantage. Apart from this good communication and explanation skills are important.  Be confident in whatever you say.  Prepare HR questions well, In my case,  I had prepared my word file of HR answers with a great effort a week after a lot of research.  

One more important thing is: to connect with people working in that firm who are your immediate seniors, most probably they might help you by giving some insights, into what worked for them, and you will have a good idea. To interact with seniors, take the help of Linkedin for this.

Give your best !!

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