Nokia Interview Experience for GET (Graduate Engineer Trainee)

There were in all 5 rounds.

Round 1 (Test): Technical + Aptitude test. It had basic aptitude questions and technical questions related to OOPs, fundamental programming along with this there were two coding questions, and the options to choose languages were, C, C++, java.

Round 2 (Test): 1.30 Hour test on cloud computing, computer networks, Linux basic commands, and Machine Learning in python related questions.

Round 3 (Interview): (25 min) This was the managerial + technical round, the interviewer asked me questions related to computer networks. He was not interested in the OSI layer, he mentioned he had been listening that a lot. This was the elimination round. Few questions which I remember were:

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. What do you know about Nokia?
  3. Tell me about your projects.
  4. Difference between Router and Switches
  5. How does the switching of the data happen in between the layers?
  6. How do routers route the packets?
  7. What are the variables in C++?
  8. What does the looping function do?, Name looping functions?
  9. Have you heard about spanning tree protocol?
  10. What if your manager asks you to lift an elephant by one hand?
  11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (further, he went on increasing the number of years in multiple of 5)

After this, he asked me if I had any questions and I asked him to explain in depth what Nokia does.

Round 4 (Interview):  (15 min) This was the most enjoyed round, I have been told that this would be a semi-technical round but no technical questions were asked. This was also an elimination round. The questions were:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Tell me about your family background.
  3. What do you know about Nokia?
  4. You are entering a telecom industry, and this involves a lot of traveling, is your family okay with that?
  5. 3 strengths
  6. 3 weaknesses

Then said take 10-20 secs for thinking and answer my this question. The question is “Why should I hire Diksha?” The expressions of the interviewer showed that he was pretty much impressed.

Round 5 (Interview): (15 min) The round which I felt I performed well and has made me confused so far. There were basic HR questions, like tell me about yourself, tell me how did you got placed in your college, what is the reason behind fall in your marks after 10th and what are your plans for the future, explain your project, what are the benefits of your project, I answered them all, maybe I wasn’t impressive as much in the previous round, I have no idea. The other day list came out and no one from the Computer department was selected, leaving me in confusion whether I performed poorly, or they never intended to select any student from the computer department.

Lesson: Along with technical, HR is equally important. The preparation of HR makes a huge difference.

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