Node.js Zlib Complete Reference

The zlib module provides compression functionality implemented using Gzip, Deflate/Inflate, and Brotli.

The Complete Reference of Zlib are listed below:



zlib.constants It is used to yields an object listing Zlib-related constants.
zlib.createBrotliCompress() It is used to create BrotliCompress object.
zlib.createBrotliDecompress() It is used to create a new BrotliDecompress object.
zlib.createUnzip() It is used to create a new Unzip object.
zlib.createDeflateRaw() It is used to create a new DeflateRaw object.
zlib.createGunzip() It is used to create a new Gunzip object.
zlib.createInflateRaw() It is used to create a new InflateRaw object.
zlib.createDeflate() It is used to create a new Deflate object.
zlib.createInflate() It is used to create a new Inflate object.
zlib.gzip() It is used to compress a chunk of data.

Class: zlib.ZlibBase



zlib.bytesWritten It is used to specify the number of bytes written to the engine before the bytes are processed.
zlib.close() It is used to close the underlying handle.
zlib.flush() It can compel zlib to return as much output as achievable at present.

Convenience Methods



zlib.brotliCompress() It is used to compresses a chunk of data.
zlib.brotliCompressSync() It is used to compress a chunk of data with BrotliCompress.
zlib.brotliDecompress() It is used to decompresses a chunk of data with BrotliCompress.
zlib.brotliDecompressSync() is used to decompress a chunk of data with BrotliDecompress.
zlib.deflate() It is used to compress a chunk of data.
zlib.deflateSync() It is used to compress a chunk of data with Deflate.
zlib.deflateRaw() It is used to compress a chunk of data.
zlib.deflateRawSync() It is used to compress a chunk of data with DeflateRaw.
zlib.gunzip() It is used to decompress a chunk of data.
zlib.gunzipSync() It is used to decompress a chunk of data with Gunzip.
zlib.createGzip() It is used to create a new Gzip object.
zlib.gzipSync() It is used to compress a chunk of data with Gzip.
zlib.inflate() It is used to decompress a chunk of data.
zlib.inflateSync() It is used to decompress a chunk of data with Inflate.
zlib.inflateRaw() It is used to decompress a chunk of data.
zlib.inflateRawSync() It is used to decompress a chunk of data with InflateRaw.
zlib.unzip() It is used to decompress a chunk of data.
zlib.unzipSync() It is used to decompress a chunk of data with Unzip.

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