Node.js urlSearchParams.get() Method

The urlSearchParams.get() method is an inbuilt application programming interface of class URLSearchParams within url module which is used to get the value for particular name entry present in the URL search params object.


const urlSearchParams.get( name )

Parameter: This method takes the name as a parameter.

Return value: This method returns the value for particular name entry present in the url search params object.

Below programs illustrates the use of urlSearchParams.get() method in Node.js:

Example 1: Filename: app.js

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// URLSearchParams.get() method
// Importing the module 'url'
const http = require('url');
// Creating and initializing 
// URLSearchParams object
const params = new URLSearchParams();
// Appending value in the object
params.append('A', 'Book');
params.append('B', 'Pen');
params.append('C', 'Pencile');
// Getting the value for entry 'A'
// by using get() api
const value = params.get('A');
// Display the result
console.log("value for A is " + value);

Run app.js file using the following command:

node app.js


value for A is Book

Example 2: Filename: app.js

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// URLSearchParams.get() method 
// Importing the module 'url'
const http = require('url');
// Creating and initializing
// URLSearchParams object
const params = new URLSearchParams();
// Appending value in the object
params.append('A', 'Book');
params.append('B', 'Pen');
params.append('C', 'Pencile');
// Getting the value for entry 'A'
// by using get() api
const value = params.get('a');
// Display the result
console.log("value for a is " + value);

Run app.js file using the following command:

node app.js


value for a is null


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