Node.js urlObject.path Property

In this article, we will be learning about urlObject.path API. urlObject.path API property is a concatenation of the pathname and search components. Pathname refers to the file path in an URL and search components refer to the query and hash string which has fixed limits such as question mark (?) or hash (#) characters decoding of the path is performed.

Example: Let us consider an URL ‘’ 



Return Value:


urlObject.path returns ‘/p/a/t/h?query=string’ after it is returned by the url.parse() function.

Example 1: Index.js


//Importing url module
const http = require('url');
// Creating a demo URL
const myURL =
// Parsing the Address
const q = http.parse(myURL, true);
// Displaying the path

Execution command:

node index.js

Console Output:


Example 2:(Changing the path)


//Importing the url module
const http = require('url');
// Creating a demo URL
const myURL =
const q = http.parse(myURL, true);
// Display path value of myURL before change
console.log("Before Change");
// Changing the path
q.path = '/s/k/t/j?'
// Printing the changed path
console.log("After Change");

Execution command:

node index.js

Console Output:

Before Change

After Change

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