Node.js URL.fileURLToPath API

This URL.fileURLToPath function decodes the file URL to a path string and ensures that the URL control characters (/, %) are correctly appended/adjusted when converting the given file URL into a path.


url.fileURLToPath( url )

Parameters: This function accepts single parameter url which holds the file URL string or object to convert into path.

Return Value: It returns a string which represents the fully-resolved platform-specific file path.

Below programs illustrates the use of URL.fileURLToPath() Method in Node.js:

Example 1:

// Node program to demonstrate the 
// URL.fileURLToPath() API as Setter
// Importing the module 'url' 
const url = require('url');
 // Some random path from system
const file = 'file://computerscience/w3wiki.txt'
// Converting our file to properly encoded path                    



Example 2:

// Node program to demonstrate the 
// URL.fileURLToPath() API as Setter
// Importing the module 'url' 
const url = require('url');
// Some random path from system
const file = 'file:///C:/path/example/gfg'
// Converting the file to properly encoded path



Note: The above program will compile and run by using the node app.js command.


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