Node.js process.getuid() Method

The process.getuid() method is an inbuilt application programming interface of the process module which is used to get the numerical user identity of the Node.js process.



Parameters: This method does not accept any parameters.

Return Value: This method returns an integer value specifying the numerical user identity of the Node.js process.

Note: This method will only work on POSIX platforms. Not available on windows or android platforms so will cause an error i.e. TypeError, getuid is not a function.

Below examples illustrate the use of process.getuid() method in Node.js:

Example 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the     
// process.getuid() method  
// Include process module
const process = require('process');
// Printing the numerical user 
// identity of the Node.js process



Example 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the     
// process.getuid() method  
// Include process module
const process = require('process');
// Check whether the method exists or not
if (process.getuid) {
  // Printing getuid() value
  console.log("The numerical user identity "
            + "of the Node.js process: "
            + process.getuid());


The numerical user identity of the Node.js process: 6693036

Note: The above program will compile and run by using the node filename.js command.


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