Node.js OS

OS is a node module used to provide information about the computer operating system. 

It provides functions to interact with the operating system. It provides the hostname of the operating system and returns the amount of free system memory in bytes. 

Example 1:


// Include os module and create its object
const os = require('os');
// return the cpu architecture
console.log("CPU architecture: " + os.arch());
// It returns the amount of free system memory in bytes
console.log("Free memory: " + os.freemem());
// It return total amount of system memory in bytes
console.log("Total memory: " + os.totalmem());
// It returns the list of network interfaces
console.log('List of network Interfaces: ' + os.networkInterfaces());
// It returns the operating systems default directory for temp files.
console.log('OS default directory for temp files : ' + os.tmpdir());


Example 2: 


// Include os module and create its object
const os = require('os');
// return the endianness of system
console.log("Endianness of system: " + os.endianness());
// It returns hostname of system
console.log("Hostname: " + os.hostname());
// It return operating system name
console.log("Operating system name: " + os.type());
// It returns the platform of os
console.log('operating system platform: ' + os.platform());
// It returns the operating systems release.
console.log('OS release : ' + os.release());


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