Node.js Moment Module

The moment module is used for parsing, validating, manipulating, and displaying dates and times in JavaScript. 

Feature of moment module:

  • It is easy to get started and easy to use.
  • It is widely used and popular for formatting dates and time.

Installation of moment module:

You can visit the link to the Install moment module. You can install this package by using this command.

npm install moment

After installing the moment module, you can check your moment version in the command prompt using the command.

npm ls moment

After that, you can create a folder and add a file, for example, index.js. To run this file, you need to run the following command.

node index.js

Project Structure:


The below code should be in the index.js


const moment = require('moment');
// 2020-05-08T22:57:42+05:30
// May 8th 2020, 10:56:31 pm
console.log(moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'));
// Friday
// May 8th 20
console.log(moment().format("MMM Do YY"));
// 2020 escaped 2020
console.log(moment().format('YYYY [escaped] YYYY'));

Steps to run the program:

Make sure you have installed the moment module using the following commands:

npm install moment

Run the index.js file using the below command:

node index.js

So this is how you can use the moment module for parsing, validating, manipulating, and displaying dates and times in JavaScript.

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