Nikhil Kumar – Geek on the top | “Never follow the crowd, be the face of it”

Geek on the top is all about success stories of Beginner who are working hard to chase their goals and are the inspiration for other Beginner. 

Nikhil Kumar is a DTU graduate in Computer Science and a Python enthusiast! He has a YouTube channel of his own named “Indian Pythonista” and believes that his YouTube channel has solved doubts of the students who are trying to learn Programming in Python. Nikhil has also worked with Amazon and had a great experience working there as a Software Development Intern. He is also a Python Mentor and won multiple prizes in Python programming. 

You have worked with Amazon as a Software Development Intern. How was your experience? How should students commence their preparation for the same? 
The experience of working with Amazon as a Software Development Intern was worth it. I fully enjoyed the 2-month internship in Bangalore and got hands-on experience of working with various AWS technologies and internal tools used at Amazon. I was assigned to the “Fast Data Technology” team. The team members were so helpful and helped me on-board quickly to start working on the tasks assigned to me. 

According to me, the process of preparation for Amazon or any other product based company is almost the same. You need to have a good grasp over the topics like Algorithms & Data Structures, DBMS, Computer Networking, Operating Systems, etc. Having some projects or prior experience also helps a lot. 

When did you plan to become a programmer? What were the challenges faced by you in the beginning? 
I had no idea about programming until I choose the Computer Science subject in class 11th. Amidst the busy schedule of JEE preparation, this subject was a stress buster. I was overwhelmed by the number of things you can do using programming. I started by making simple games in C++. As I reached the college, the advice of some coding societies and helpful seniors helped me get started with Competitive Programming and Python. My avid interest in programming made Software Development a natural career choice for me. 
Some initial challenges faced by me were getting the right advice, finding coding partners, etc. 

Do you think being a DTU student played a crucial role in your win? How important is it to be in top Engineering college for getting success? 
Being from a top tier engineering college does play an important role in terms of opportunities you get as compared to other college students. A well established and active Training & Placement Cell at DTU plays an important role in providing internship and placement opportunities to the students at reputed tech companies in an easy and organized manner. 
However, that does not provide a guarantee for your success. Hard work, determination, and passion always pay off, irrespective of which college or stream you are from. 


How was your experience working with w3wiki as a Content Writing Intern? How did you come to know about it? 
w3wiki provided me with my first interning experience! I had already written 2 articles on my own blog when I got the idea to publish my articles on w3wiki as well in order to reach a wider audience. w3wiki was already pretty famous amongst the programming community in my college. I wrote about 10 articles after which I got an official letter for working as a Content Writing Intern at w3wiki. Due to its wider reach, I got instant feedback about my articles from fellow programmers which helped me to write better articles and tutorials. 

How has w3wiki helped you along your journey? 
w3wiki has immensely helped me in my programming journey, be it in the terms of articles it provides on almost every programming topic or providing me an opportunity to work as a Content Writing Intern. It has helped me grow as a learner as well as a content creator. It was only due to my content writing experience at w3wiki that I was able to start my own YouTube Channel, “Indian Pythonista” where I regularly post videos related to Python programming. 

You are also a Mentor for Python. What according to you makes a student a good learner? 

In any field, a good student is one who always wants to learn something new and applies their knowledge practically in real-world situations. 

What is that one thing you wish to say to students pursuing Engineering? 

Follow your passion, do what you love, never follow the crowd blindly. 
Nikhil can be reached on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Blog, Website, Github 

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