Newfold Digital Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2022

Newfold Digital (Previously known as Endurance International Group) is a company specializing in web hosting, serving over 7M customers. It was established in 2021 by merging Endurance International Group and It is spread across 17 countries with around 4500+ employees.

Role: Operations Engineer

There were 5 rounds in total – An online MCQ test, a Coding test, 2 rounds of Technical interviews, and an HR interview. The entire process was online.

Round 1 ( MCQ test – 60 min ): It was conducted on the Talview platform. Around 450+ people took this test. The test had questions based on OOPs, Linux (Forking, basic commands, debugging), Computer Networking, and Operating System concepts.

Round 2 ( Coding Test – 60 min ): Also conducted on the Talview platform. Around 70+ people were shortlisted for this round. The test consisted of 3 questions. Two of them were:

Round 3 ( Technical Interview 1 – 60 mins ): This was an online interview. Around 25+ students were shortlisted for this round. This round focused on core concepts of OS and CN.

  • TCP/IP Model, OSI Model, and the functionalities of all the layers.
  • ARP
  • Types of OS
  • Scheduling Algorithms their real-life applications, drawbacks
  • DNS process
  • Race Condition
  • Threads vs Process
  • Linux Booting Process
  • TCP vs UDP
  • Some Linux Commands
  • Normalization

Round 4 ( Technical Interview 2 – 90 mins ): The interviewer first glanced at my resume and asked me to tell myself about myself and explain the projects I have done. Then the interviewer moved on to drill deep into CN and OS concepts. Some of the questions asked were: 

  • What happens when you type The interviewer expected me to answer it in detail starting from DHCP and moving to browser cache, DNS process, Routing Protocols (OSPF, RIP, BGP), and TCP Handshake. This alone took up to 30 mins.
  • UDP and TCP applications
  • Then the interviewer presented the screen and asked me about Linux top and free command, the attributes that are displayed.
  • Virtual memory and Paging concept.
  • Thrashing
  • Deadlock, Semaphores
  • OS scheduling algorithms their limitations and real-life applications.
  • Subnetting
  • Classless and Classful Addressing 
  • Flow Control – Stop and Wait, Go Back N, Selective Repeat
  • System Design – The interviewer asked me to design an E-Commerce app. The interviewer was expecting me to talk about Load balancing, Vertical and Horizontal Scaling, Caching, Databases, and how to handle data loss using RAID and security.

Round 5 ( HR Round ): This was a telephonic round and HR asked common questions about the company, about me, etc. 

Result: Selected. 6 students were offered the job. 

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