Neighbouring Countries of India – Full List

Neighbouring Countries of India: India shares a border with 9 countries. Neighbouring Countries of India are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. India is the seventh largest country in the world and 2nd most populated country after China. India has a very large geographical area with a land border of 15,106.7 Km and also a coastline of 7,516.6 Km. Here are the list of India’s neighbouring countries along with Indian states bordering with them.

Neighbouring Countries of India

Neighbouring Countries of India

List of Neighbouring Countries of India: There are a total of 9 countries that share borders with India. Out of these, 7 countries share land borders with India while 2 countries share sea borders. India is located latitudinally in the Northern Hemisphere and longitudinally in the Eastern Hemisphere. Bangladesh has the longest boundary with India and Bhutan is the smallest neighbouring country of India from the land borders perspective.

Neighbouring Countries of India List

A total of 9 countries share the border with India. Here is the list of neighbouring countries of India with bordering state with that country.

Neighbouring Country


Border Length

Bordering States



106 km

Ladakh (PoK)



4096.7 km

West Bengal, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura and Assam



699 km

West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh & Assam



3488 km

Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh


Naypyidaw, Yangon

1643 km

Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram and Manipur



1751 km

Bihar, Uttarakhand, UP, Sikkim and West Bengal



3323 km

Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat

Sri Lanka


sea border

Seperated by Gulf of Manner



sea border

It lies in the south-west part of India Ocean below the Lakshadweep Island

Neighbouring Countries of India Map

There are a total of 9 Neighboring countries shares border with India. India has a total of 15,106.7 k.m. land border lines with neighbouring countries. Bangladesh has the largest border with India for a total of 4096.7 Km and Bhutan has the least border sharing with India for a total of 699 Km. Below is the neighbouring countries of India map figuring countries sharing border with India.

Neighbouring Countries of India map

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Neighbouring Countries of India – Details

1. Afghanistan

  • Area: 6,52,230 sq. km.
  • Border Length: 106 km
  • Official Languages: Dari, Pashto
  • Currency: Afghan Afghani
  • Income Source: Agriculture
  • Famous for: fine fruits, especially pomegranates, grapes, and additionally sweet jumbo-sized melons.
  • Major religion: Islam.
  • Industrial activities: cotton textiles, woven carpets, handicrafts, and woollen textiles.
  • National animal: Snow Leopard
  • Border Length: 106 km
  • Border: Durand Line
  • National animal: Snow Leopard
  • National Game: Buzkashi
  • States/ Provinces: 34 Provinces

2. Pakistan

  • Area: 881,913 sq. km.
  • Border Length: 3323 km
  • Official Language: Urdu
  • Currency: Pakistani Rupee
  • Official Language: Urdu
  • Population: 21 crores
  • Major religon: Hindu
  • Border –  Radcliffe Line(With India)
  • States Provinces –  4 Province
  • National Game –  Hockey
  • National Animal –  Markhor

3. China

  1. China is the first largest populated country in the world
  2. China is spread over an area of ​​about 95,96,960 sq. km.
  3. The civil war in China divided China into two parts –
  4. The people’s Republic of China, which are the territories governed by the socialist government established on the main Chinese territory. Under this, a large part of China comes.
  5. The Republic of China – This country is made up of some other islands including Taiwan, apart from the mainland. Its headquarters is in Taiwan

Important Facts about China

  • Border Length –  3488 km
  • Borderline – McMahon Line
  • States Provinces –  26 Provinces
  • National Game –  Table Tennis
  • National Animal- Giant Panda
  • Border Border is guarded by the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP).

4. Bhutan

  1. Bhutan is a country in south-central Asia, located on the eastern ridges of the Himalayas.
  2. Bhutan is Spread over an area of 38, 394 sq. km.
  3. The population of this country follows Buddhism and Hinduism region. Mostly 77.4% followed Vajrayana Buddhism and 22.6% Hinduism.

Important Facts about Bhutan

  • Border Length –  699 km
  • Border –  The India-Bhutan is guarded by Border Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).
  • Capital – Thimphu
  • States Provinces –  20 State
  • National Game –  Archery
  • National Animal – Takin

5. Nepal

  1. Nepal is located in the northeast of India.
  2. It is spread over an area of ​​1,47,181 sq km.
  3. The world’s highest Mount Everest peak is placed in Nepal.

Important Facts about Nepal

  • Capital – Kathmandu 
  • Border Length – 1751 km 
  • Border – The Indo-Nepal is guarded by Border Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).
  • States Provinces – 7 Provinces 
  • National Game –  Volleyball
  • National Animal – Cow 

6. Myanmar

  1. Myanmar, a country bordering India to the east, is also known as Burma.
  2. Myanmar is placed in the western portion of mainland South Asia.  
  3. It is spread over an area of 6,76,578 sq km.
  4. India shares a 1,643 km long border with Myanmar which touches the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram.

Important Facts about Myanmar

  • Capital –  Naypyidaw
  • Border Length –  1643 km
  • Border – The border with Myanmar is guarded by the Assam Rifles (AR).
  • National Game – Chinlone 
  • National Animal –  Tiger

7. Bangladesh

  1. India and Bangladesh share one of the longest borders in the world and it covers an area of ​​1,43,998 km and has a coastline of 580 km.
  2. The Bangladeshi states, Rajshahi, Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rangpur and Sylhet, share their borders with India.
  3. India shares a 4,096-km-long border with Bangladesh which touches Assam, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya and West Bengal. The boundary line between India and Bangladesh is 4096.7 km.

Important Facts about Bangladesh

  • Capital – Dhaka 
  • Border Length –  4096.7 Km
  • Border – The border with Bangladesh is guarded by the Border Security Force (BSF).
  • State/ Province –  8 Province
  • National Game – Volleyball

8. Maldives

  1. Myanmar is located in the Indian Ocean.
  2. It is spread over an area of 298 sq km.
  3. This country comprises more than a thousand coral islands.
  4. The predominant religion in the country is Islam.

Important Facts about Maldives

  • Capital –  Male
  • State/ Province –   1 only
  • National Game –  Football
  • National Animal –  Yellowfin Tuna
  • Border – Sea Border

9. Sri-Lanka

  • State/ Province –   9 states
  • National Game –   Volleyball
  • Border – Sea Border

Neighbouring Countries of India – FAQs

1. How many Neighbouring Countries India have?

India has 9 neighbouring countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

2. Which country has the largest border with India?

Bangladesh has the largest border with India for a total of 4096.7 Km boundries.

3. Which country has the smallest border with India?

Bhutan has the smallest border with India for a total of 699 Km boundries.

4. Which neighbouring country of India has no borders?

Maldives is a country without borders with India. It shares costlines area with India to south of the Lakshadweep Islands.

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