NDA Competitive Exam Experience

In today’s competitive exam landscape, the bar is set high, and nowhere is this more evident than in the National Defence Academy (NDA) exam. It’s a gateway to the armed forces, accessible right after completing school. With an age limit capped at 19.5 years, the pressure to succeed is palpable. While the exam isn’t a walk in the park, dedication and proper preparation can pave the way to success.

Let’s delve into the syllabus first. It’s not vastly different from what we’ve studied up to 12th grade. It primarily covers the curriculum of classes 11 and 12, encompassing subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and up to a non-technical level of General Knowledge, History, Geography, English, and elements of Economics.

Now, onto resources. Every NDA aspirant wonders: where to begin? Well, when you’re in 12th grade, start by revisiting your NCERT textbooks. Additionally, there are numerous YouTube channels dedicated to NDA preparation. I found Physics Wallah (NDA Wallah) immensely helpful. Moreover, there are several books available in the market, and I used one from Arihant Publications, covering all subjects comprehensively.

But what happens after NDA? Well, you have to tackle the SSB exam. This, in my experience, was the most challenging part. After qualifying for NDA, you’re summoned to centers like Mysore. Over 6-7 days, you undergo various tests, including story writing, where many aspirants are eliminated. Mobile phones are confiscated, and contact with the outside world is restricted. Finally, the incredibly demanding interview round determines your eligibility for the army.

Now, let’s talk about the paper pattern. The NDA exam comprises two papers: Mathematics and General Ability. Mathematics carries 300 marks, while the General Ability test holds 600 marks, totaling 900 marks.

In essence, the NDA journey is both demanding and rewarding. With perseverance and the right resources, navigating through its challenges becomes a feasible task.

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