NCR Corporation Interview Experience for SDE (Off-Campus)

It consists of five rounds. Written, 2 technical, Managerial, and HR.

Round 1(Written Test and Coding): This round was conducted by Hacker Earth on 2nd Oct. 2020 for 150 minutes. It consists of 33 multiple choices and 2 coding questions. Multiple choice questions are from C, C++, Java, Data structures, DBMS, Operating systems. And it consists of 2 coding questions.

Round 2(Technical Round): This round was held on 30th Nov 2020 for 70 minutes. First a brief self-introduction, and then they asked me to explain oops concepts. They want me to explain each with a real-time example. Then they asked a few questions and they were:  

  1. They want me to rate myself on a scale of 5 in the field of Data Structures, OOPS, JAVA, C++, DBMS.
  2. Implementation of method overloading and method overriding.
  3. He asked me to differentiate all the traversal in Binary trees. (Preorder, Postorder, In order, Level Order).  
  4. He asked me to write some code which would cover all the inheritance part and which also cover super keyword and this keyword. The lots of constructors were also introduced later with different use cases.
  5. Later he displayed me a code based on OOPS and asked me some questions. Like the output order which includes some static method and constructor triggering part as well. (It was the most tricky one but with little help, I was able to answer this question).

Lastly, they asked me if I had any questions. I asked a few questions, He answered them.  

Round 3(Technical Interview): This was held on 6th, Jan 2021 for 30 minutes: First a brief introduction from both sides then the main interview starts.

  1. First, he asked me what subject I love the most during B.Tech. I answered as OOP and data structures.
  2. Later he wants me to design a friend suggestion algorithm for social networking site. (Like Facebook). I came up with a graphing approach, and he seemed to be satisfied with my approach.
  3. He asked me to design Whatsapp. He only wants what will be there on the server-side and client-side. I answered this question comfortably, and he seemed to be satisfied with it.
  4. Later he asked me to add anyone feature in Whatsapp and tell the reason behind it.  I answered this question, and he was very impressed with my approach.

Lastly, they asked me if I had any questions. I asked a few questions, He answered them.  

Round 4(Managerial): This was held on 6th, Jan 2021, 15 minutes. First a brief self-introduction. Then I was asked a few questions, they were: •  

  1. What do you learn from your interview experiences?  
  2. If I am having any offers from another company.
  3. Why are you here if you have offers from another company.
  4. What will you do if you get an offer from Google, Amazon?
  5. About strengths and weaknesses  
  6. What is your greatest achievement till now?  
  7. Is it okay for 5 years bond?  
  8. Define success  
  9. Why NCR  
  10. Why should I hire you?

This round was like a friendly discussion, just be honest and confident.  Sometimes, your next question is based on your present answer so think and answer, take your own time.  

Round 5(HR): This took around 15 minutes. First, he asked me to introduce myself and my family details. Then he asked a few questions:

  1. If I am able to work on night shifts.
  2. He asked me about my hobbies.
  3. He asked me if I am ready for the internship
  4. He then makes me understand the offer.

On the same day of the HR round after the interview, He called me and said that I am selected for the SW engineer position.

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