NCERT Solutions for Class-11 Political Science Chapter-4: Social Justice

Our Top Social Science Experts prepare these NCERT Solutions for Class-11 NCERT Solution discusses that Social justice is a concept that has been around for centuries, but it has only been in recent decades that it has become a major focus of political and social discourse. In its simplest form, social justice is the idea that every person deserves to be treated fairly and equally, regardless of race, gender, social class, or any other factor. Our Top Social Science Experts prepare these NCERT Solutions to take care of all Important Topics that might be asked in the upcoming examination 2024-2025. So, Students can refer to these solutions for their final Examination preparation.

These Class 11 Political Science Chapter 4 Social Justice NCERT Solutions are carefully developed using easy-to-understand language while adhering to the guidelines for solving NCERT Solutions for Class 11. Working through these solutions can be highly beneficial for students in their board exams and preparing for future competitive Exams.

NCERT Solutions Class-11 Political Science Chapter 4 – Social Justice

Exercises Page No 66

Q1. Social justice is a concept that has been around for centuries, but it has only been in recent decades that it has become a major focus of political and social discourse. In its simplest form, social justice is the idea that every person deserves to be treated fairly and equally, regardless of their race, gender, social class, or any other factor.


Indeed, social justice has deep historical roots, but its prominence in contemporary discourse reflects a growing awareness of systemic inequalities and a commitment to addressing them. At its core, social justice advocates for fairness and equality for all individuals, recognizing and challenging the various forms of discrimination and oppression that exist in society. By emphasizing the importance of equitable treatment and opportunities, social justice strives to create a more inclusive and just world where everyone can thrive and fulfill their potential, irrespective of their background or circumstances.

Q2. Briefly discuss the three principles of justice outlined in the chapter. Explain each with examples.


The three principles of justice outlined in the chapter are:

  • Equality: Equality emphasizes the fair treatment of individuals without discrimination based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or socio-economic status. For example, equality in education means providing the same educational opportunities and resources to all students regardless of their background.
  • Equity: Equity focuses on addressing disparities and ensuring that everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. Unlike equality, equity recognizes that individuals may start from different positions and require different levels of support to achieve equality of outcome. For instance, providing extra support and resources to students from disadvantaged backgrounds to ensure they have an equal chance of academic success.
  • Need: The principle of need emphasizes prioritizing assistance to those who are most disadvantaged or vulnerable. This principle acknowledges that not everyone starts from the same level of advantage and that some individuals may require additional support to meet their basic needs. For example, providing welfare benefits or food assistance to low-income families to address their immediate needs and alleviate poverty.

Q3. Does the principle of considering the special needs of people conflict with the principle of equal treatment for all?


The principle of considering the special needs of people does not necessarily conflict with the principle of equal treatment for all. In fact, it often complements it by addressing disparities and ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to access resources and opportunities.

While equal treatment aims to provide the same opportunities and treatment to all individuals regardless of their background, considering special needs recognizes that not everyone starts from the same position and may require additional support to achieve equality of outcome. This additional support is aimed at leveling the playing field and ensuring that individuals with specific needs or disadvantages have an equal chance to succeed.

For example, providing accommodations for individuals with disabilities, such as wheelchair ramps or sign language interpreters, does not undermine the principle of equal treatment but rather ensures that everyone, including those with special needs, can access public spaces and participate fully in society.

Q4. How does Rawls use the idea of a veil of ignorance to argue that fair and just distribution can be defended on rational grounds?


John Rawls uses the concept of the veil of ignorance as a thought experiment to explore the principles of justice. The veil of ignorance asks individuals to imagine themselves in an original position where they are unaware of their own attributes, such as their social class, gender, or abilities. From behind this veil, individuals would make decisions about the principles of justice without knowing how these principles would affect them personally.

Rawls argues that behind the veil of ignorance, rational individuals would choose principles of justice that prioritize fairness and equality. Since individuals are unaware of their own circumstances, they would be motivated to choose principles that protect the interests of all individuals and ensure a fair distribution of resources and opportunities. This rational decision-making process leads to the formulation of principles such as the equal basic liberties, fair equality of opportunity, and the difference principle.

Q5. What are generally considered to be the basic minimum requirements of people for living a healthy and productive life? What is the responsibility of governments in trying to ensure this minimum to all?


The basic minimum requirements for a healthy and productive life include access to clean water, adequate nutrition, shelter, healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. Governments are responsible for ensuring access to these essentials through policies, resource allocation, infrastructure development, regulation, and collaboration with various stakeholders. This responsibility is grounded in principles of social justice and human rights, aiming to promote the well-being and dignity of all citizens.

Governments can fulfill this responsibility through various means, including:

  • Enacting laws and policies that promote access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and housing, and protect the rights of vulnerable populations.
  • Allocating public resources to ensure equitable access to basic services and support for those in need, including through social welfare programs and subsidies.
  • Investing in infrastructure such as water supply systems, healthcare facilities, and schools to improve access to essential services in underserved areas.
  • Regulating industries and sectors such as food and healthcare to ensure the safety, quality, and affordability of essential goods and services.
  • Collaborating with civil society organizations, the private sector, and international partners to address systemic barriers to accessing basic needs and promote social inclusion and equity.

Q6. Which of the following arguments could be used to justify state action to provide basic minimum conditions of life to all citizens?

(a) Providing free services to the poor and needy can be justified as an act of charity.

(b) Providing all citizens with a basic minimum standard of living is one way of ensuring equality of opportunity.

(c) Some people are naturally lazy and we should be kind to them.

(d) Ensuring basic facilities and a minimum standard of living to all is a recognition of our shared humanity and a human right.


The argument that could be used to justify state action to provide basic minimum conditions of life to all citizens is:

(d) Ensuring basic facilities and a minimum standard of living to all is a recognition of our shared humanity and a human right.

This argument emphasizes that access to basic necessities is not merely an act of charity or kindness, but a fundamental aspect of human dignity and rights. It aligns with principles of social justice and human rights, asserting that all individuals deserve a basic standard of living as a matter of fairness and respect for their inherent humanity.

Summary – NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 4: Social Justice

In conclusion, the concept of social justice is based on the belief that all people are equal, and that everyone deserves to have a fair chance at success. This means that everyone should have access to the same opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances. It also means that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, gender, social class, or any other factor. Social justice is important because it ensures that everyone has a fair chance at success. When people are treated fairly and equally, they are more likely to reach their full potential. This benefits not only the individual, but also society as a whole. When everyone has a chance to succeed, society as a whole is more prosperous and stable.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 4: Social Justice

What is the focus of NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 4: Social Justice?

The chapter focuses on the concept of social justice and its importance in ensuring fairness and equity in society.

How is social justice defined within the context of the chapter?

Social justice is defined as the principle of fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and rights among all members of society.

Why is social justice considered essential in a democratic society?

Social justice is essential in a democratic society to ensure that all individuals have equal opportunities to participate in society and access basic necessities.

What are some examples of social injustices discussed in the chapter?

Examples include poverty, inequality, discrimination based on caste, gender, religion, and lack of access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

What role does the government play in promoting social justice?

The government plays a crucial role in promoting social justice through policies and programs aimed at reducing inequality, poverty, and discrimination, and ensuring access to basic needs and opportunities for all citizens.

How can individuals contribute to achieving social justice?

Individuals can contribute to achieving social justice by advocating for equality and fairness, challenging discriminatory practices, and supporting initiatives that promote inclusivity and equity in society.

How does social justice intersect with other concepts such as equality, equity, and human rights?

Social justice intersects with concepts such as equality, equity, and human rights by addressing systemic barriers and disparities to ensure that all individuals have equal rights, opportunities, and access to resources for a dignified life.

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