NCERT Solutions Class 9 Geography Social Science Chapter 6: Population

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Social Science Chapter 6: Population – This article includes free NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Social Science Chapter 6: Population to help students of Class 9 learn the solutions and ace their exams.

It has been developed by the subject matter experts at GFG, according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, and guidelines to help the students of Class 9 create a solid conceptual base for Geography Social Science Chapter 6: Population.

The solutions to all the exercises in Geography Social Science Chapter 6: Population of your NCERT Textbook have been collectively covered in NCERT Solutions Class 9 Social Science.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Geography Social Science Chapter 6: Population

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Studies (Geography) Chapter 6 – Population

Exercise: Page No: 61

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) Migrations change the number, distribution and composition of the population in

(a) the area of departure

(b) the area of arrival

(c) both the area of arrival and departure

(d) None of the above


Both the area of arrival and departure.

(ii) A large proportion of children in a population is a result of

(a) high birth rates

(b) high life expectancies

(c) high death rates

(d) more married couples


High birth rates.

(iii) The magnitude of population growth refers to

(a) the total population of area

(b) the number of persons added each year

(c) the rate at which the population increases

(d) the number of females per thousand males


the number of persons added each year

(iv) According to the Census, a “literate” person is one who

(a) can read and write his/her name

(b) can read and write any language

(c) is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding

(d) knows the 3 ‘R’s (reading, writing, arithmetic)


Is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding.

2. Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) Why is the rate of population growth in India declining since 1981?


The decline is due to greater awareness and usage of birth control measures.

(ii) Discuss the major components of population growth.


  1. Birth rate
  2. Death rate
  3. Migration

(iii) Define age structure, death rate and birth rate.


Age structure: Refers to the number of people in different age groups in that population.

Death Rate: The number of deaths per thousand persons in a year.

Birth Rate: The number of live births per thousand persons in a year.

(iv) How is migration a determinant factor of population change?


Because it changes the demographics of a country.

3. Distinguish between population growth and population change.


Population Growth

Population Change

  • Increase in the number of inhabitants of a region during a specific time period.
  • During a specific time period, it is the change in the distribution, composition or size of the population.
  • Birth rate and migration are the major causes of population growth.
  • Birth rate, migration, and emigration are the major causes of population change.

4. What is the relation between occupational structure and development?


In countries where a large portion of the population works in basic jobs like farming, raising animals, forestry, and fishing, it usually means the country is less developed.

On the other hand, countries that are more developed tend to have more people working in secondary jobs like manufacturing.

When a significant part of the population is engaged in advanced jobs such as banking, trade, transportation, and government work, it suggests that the country is highly developed.

5. What are the advantages of having a healthy population?


  1. This will enhance the nation’s strength across all areas.
  2. It will contribute to building a developed and prosperous nation.
  3. It will promote economic growth.
  4. The nation will be able to compete globally in various fields and meet international standards.

6. What are the significant features of the National Population Policy 2000?


Recognizing that planning families can improve individual health and well-being, the Government of India started a comprehensive Family Planning Programme in 1952. This program aimed to encourage responsible and planned parenthood on a voluntary basis. The National Population Policy (NPP) 2000 is the result of years of planned efforts. It lays out a policy framework including providing free and compulsory education up to 14 years of age, lowering infant mortality rate to below 30 per 1000 live births, ensuring universal vaccination of children against preventable diseases, advocating for delayed marriage for girls, and making family welfare a program focused on the people.

Chapter 6: Population – Summary

Chapter 6 of NCERT Geography Class 9 focuses on the significance of human population in terms of growth and development. Population serves as a central aspect in Social Studies, acting as a reference point for understanding other elements like resources, calamities, and disasters. The chapter highlights three key points:

  1. Population size and distribution.
  2. Population growth and the processes driving population change.
  3. Characteristics or qualities of the population.

Population, with respect to India, has been discussed in this chapter. The distribution of population and population growth is also a concern of the people in the country. Different mediums are used to calculate the growth rate of the country every year, and the population is calculated based on it. Topics like death rate, birth rate and migration are the major reasons for population growth and development.

Additionally, students will learn about some other important topics such as literacy rate, sex ratio, occupational structure, adolescent population, health, and the national population policy throughout this chapter.


Dropped Topics – Pointers regarding three major questions about population, age composition, sex ratio, literacy rates, occupational structure, health, NPP 2000 and adolescents.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Social Science Chapter 6: Population

What are the important questions that students can expect from Chapter 6 of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography in the exams?

The important questions from an exam perspective that students can expect are as follows:
1. What is the relation between occupational structure and development?
2. What are the significant features of the National Population Policy 2000?
3. What are the advantages of having a healthy population?
4. Distinguish between population growth and population change.

What is population definition in Class 9?

Definition: The total number of people who are living in a particular area in a particular period of time is called population.

What is the name of Chapter 6 of Class 9 geography?

the name of the Chapter 6 of Class 9 geography is Population.

What is an example of a population?

An example of a population would be the entire student body at a school. It would contain all the students who study in that school at the time of data collection

Why is the rate of population growth in India declining since 1981 learn CBSE?

Since 1981, birth rates have been declining gradually. As a result, there has been a gradual decline in the rate of population growth. The major components of population growth are natural increase of population and immigration.

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