NCERT Solution for Class 8 Science Chapter 5: Conservation of Plants and Animals

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Chapter 5 ​Conservation of Plants and Animals: ​The chapter on Conservation of Plants and Animals is important for students approaching the school exams. This article introduces NCERT solutions designed to help students explain the concepts of further learning and how to write to get good grades on exams. The solutions are presented in very simple language for ease of understanding.

NCERT Chapter 5 Conservation of Plants and Animals of class 8 Solutions explains biodiversity, conservation, and preservation of biodiversity through wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves. It also focuses on deforestation, reforestation, and the phenomenon of migration. Revise the basic concept of the Conservation of Plants and Animals for quick revision and class notes.

Q 1: Fill in the Blanks.

  • (a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is ​called________.
  • (b) Species found only in a particular area is known as__________.
  • (c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of ________changes:


  • (a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called Sanctuary.
  • (b) Species found only in a particular area are known as Endemic.
  • (c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of Climate changes.

Q 2: Differentiate between the following.

  • (a) Wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve.
  • (b) Zoo and Wild Life Sanctuary
  • (c) Endangered and extinct species​


  • (a) Wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve.

Wildlife sanctuary

Biosphere reserve

The wildlife sanctuary is a protected area, where animals are conserved and protected from any ​outside disturbances to them and their habitat.

Large area for the conservation and preservation of wildlife, animals and plants resources, and traditional life of the tribals and locals living in the area.

Helps to conserve and protect wildlife in their natural habitat. Hunting and poaching are prohibited.

Helps to conserve the ​biodiversity and culture of the area.

Example: Girnar wildlife sanctuary

Example: Panchmari biosphere reserve.

  • (b) Zoo and Wild Life Sanctuary


Wild Life Sanctuary

It is an area where animals are protected, in their natural habitat, for public exhibition.

It is a protected area, where animals are conserved from outside disturbances in their natural habitat.

Animals are in artificial habitats.

Animals are in their natural habitat.

(c) Endangered and extinct species​

Endangered species

Extinct species

Species whose numbers are reducing to a level that they might face extinction.

Species that no longer exist on the earth.

Example: Snow leopard, Bengal Tiger, Rhinoceros.

Example: Dinosaur, Tasmanian Tiger, Wooly Mammoth.

Q3: Discuss the Effects of Deforestation on the following:

  • (a) Wild Animals
  • (b) Environment
  • (c) Villages( Rural area)
  • (d) Cities( Urban area )
  • (e) Earth
  • (f) The Next Generation


  • Deforestation of forest area. Forest or trees forms a natural habitat for wild animals and provide them with food. Deforestation results in the destruction of the natural habitat of animals and endangers their survival.
  • Deforestation disturbs the natural balance, it increases the temperature and pollution level of the environment. The increase in the temperature disturbs the water cycle, that may decrease the rainfall and can cause drought. This can also result in a decrease in the water table.
  • Deforestation results in changes in the physical properties of soil. Less tree in an area results in the removal of the top layer of the soil, exposing the lower rocky and hard layers. This soil is composed of less humus and is less fertile. Slowly the fertile land of ​rural areas that is fit for agriculture, turns into a desert.
  • Deforestation in urban areas results in an increase in temperature and pollution levels. Increased use of automobiles results in high levels of carbon dioxide, leading to global warming. The risk of natural calamities like floods and drought has also increased.
  • The increase in the level of carbon dioxide has caused global warming. The groundwater level also gets lowered. The risk of natural calamities like floods and drought has increased. Overall, it has disturbed the balance in nature.
  • Deforestation has disturbed nature’s balance. Now, the risk of natural calamities like floods, drought, and desertification has increased. The increase in the level of carbon dioxide and temperature has resulted in global warming. Addressing deforestation is important, otherwise, the future generation will face the consequences of deforestation in a more severe form.

Q 4: What will happen if:

  • (a) If we go on cutting the trees
  • (b) The habitat of animals is disturbed
  • (c) If the top layer of the soil is removed


(a) If we go on cutting the trees

Trees take up carbon dioxide from the environment for photosynthesis. If we go on cutting the trees, then:

  • It will result in increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, that further will cause global warming.
  • It may disturb the water cycle, may reduce rainfall, causing drought.
  • Fewer trees will result in more soil erosion.
  • The fertility of the land will decrease. It may turn into a desert.

(b) The habitat of animals is disturbed

Animals are dependent on their habitat for their basic needs like food, shelter, reproduction, and protection from other animals. If the habitat of the animals gets disturbed, they will be forced to migrate to new areas in search of food and shelter. In the new area, they may not adapt, get hunted, or be killed by another animal, so overall affecting the survival of the animal.

(c) If the top layer of the soil is removed

If the top layer of the soil is removed, it will expose the lower rocky and hard layer of soil. This soil is less fertile as it has less humus. Slowly the fertile land will turn into a desert. This is known as desertification.

Q5: Answer in brief:

  • (a) Why should we conserve biodiversity?
  • (b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why?
  • (c) Some tribals depend on the jungle. How?
  • (d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
  • (e) What is Red Data Book?
  • (f) What do you understand by the term migration?


(a) Why should we conserve biodiversity?

Biodiversity refers to the interrelationship of the various plants, animals, and microorganisms living in an area with each other and with their surrounding environment. So, they are mutually dependent on each other. If one species is affected, that will affect the whole ecosystem in some way or other, it will disrupt the food chain and ultimately nature’s balance. Therefore, it is important to conserve biodiversity.

(b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why?

People living in the vicinity of the protected area, encroach over them and destroy them, that is they use the forest resources like wood, timber, etc for their personal use.

(c) Some tribals depend on the jungle. How?

Tribals depend on the jungle for their basic requirements like:

  • For food products like honey, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • For the fodder for their animals.

(d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?

The causes of deforestation are as follows:

  • For the construction of houses and factories.
  • Converting land for agriculture.
  • Using wood as fuel and for making furniture.

The consequences of deforestation are:

  • Loss of biodiversity
  • Soil erosion
  • Lowering of the water table
  • Desertification
  • Natural calamities like drought and flood
  • Global warming

(e) What is Red Data Book?

Red book is a sourcebook that maintains the records of all the endangered plants and animals internationally. It is maintained internationally by an organization, IUCN( International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) that adds or remove the name of the species after conducting surveys.

(f) What do you understand by the term migration?

Migration refers to the seasonal movement of animals and birds from their natural habitat to another place. It happens at a particular time, or season of the year. They do so to avoid inhospitable weather conditions and for breeding.

Q6: In order to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories and for Shelters, trees are continually being cut. Is it justified to cut trees for such projects? Discuss and prepare a brief report.


No, it is not justified to cut down trees to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories for shelter. Trees are the natural habitat of the wild animals. It provides them with food and protection. Cutting down tree threat the survival of these wild animals.

Trees help in maintaining nature’s balance. It maintains the soil quality, helps in recharging groundwater, maintains the temperature of the area, etc. Destruction of the trees will result in serious consequences like global warming, disruption of the water cycle, soil erosion, increased rate of desertification, flood, drought, etc. Hence, it is essential to protect and conserve the trees.

Q7: How can you contribute to the maintenance of the green wealth of your locality? Make a list of actions to be taken by you.


I can contribute to the maintenance of green wealth in my locality by taking the following actions:

  • Planting trees and saplings in our locality and regularly watering them.
  • Educating and motivating the people about the importance of trees.
  • ​Educating the people of the area, on the importance of cleanliness and how to maintain it.
  • Creating awareness about the importance of reusing and recycling of paper, plastic, etc.

Q8: Explain how Deforestation leads to Reduced Rainfall.


Cutting down trees and using the land for another purpose like, building factories, houses, etc. is known as deforestation. Trees in an area help in maintaining nature’s balance. The carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is taken up by plants and is used for photosynthesis. The removal of trees will result in an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide traps the heat rays reflected by the earth. The result is an increase in temperature, which disturbs the water cycle and may reduce rainfall.

Q9: Find out about national parks in your state. Identify and show their location.


Corbett National Park in the state of Uttarakhand

Q10: Why should the paper be saved? Prepare a list of ways by which you can save paper.


Paper is made from trees. A large number of trees are cut down to make a small quantity of paper. For example, to make a ton of paper we need to cut down seventeen fully-grown trees. Trees are the natural habitat of wild animals and birds, they help in maintaining nature’s balance. So, it is important to conserve and protect the trees. The various ways by which we can save paper are:

  • Increasing the recycling and reuse of paper
  • Decreasing the wastage and misuse of paper.
  • Educating and motivating the people about the importance of trees.
  • Using both sides of the paper.

Q11: Complete the word puzzle.

  • Down
    • 1. Species on the verge of extinction.
    • 2. A book carrying information about endangered species.
    • 5. Consequence of deforestation.
  • Across
    • 1. Species that have vanished.
    • 3. Species found only in a particular habitat.
    • 4. Variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms found in an area.


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