Navikenz Interview Experience for Data Science

I got selected for Navikenz Company in November 2023. The Complete Process was Virtual(Online).

The Selection Process is as follows:

Round 1 Aptitude Test:

Quant, Verbal, Reasoning, DI, and Quiz-like puzzles were asked. Passing crieria is 70 %

Round 2 Technical Online Test:

In this round, you can expect 10 MCQs from each section which are SQL, Python, Java, Java-script, DSA, OOPS 1 SQL Query, and 1 Medium-Level Code. The test will be given 2 hours of time to complete all sections. Back-tracking is allowed.

Round 3 Technical Interview 1:

The Interview was excellent, he started with an introduction and asked me about the college projects.

Questions were almost resume-based, I had been asked about SQL Queries and OOPS Concepts.

Also, asked about Data Ingestion Tools, Doubly Linked List, Javascript, etc.

Round 4 Technical Interview 2/HR Interview:

This time they were looking for concise answers mentioned in their resume that were more Data science-related so the questions were like this:

  • What is stream processing?
  • What is Kafka’s Architecture? Its Components?
  • What is the difference between truncating, deleting, and dropping?
  • When do we use Sqoop?
  • What are the different Keys we use in RDBMS? And a few more technical questions. Overall, It took 30 minutes to complete the round.

Hints and Advice: Be well-prepared before your interviews. Communication Skills are a must once you start giving your answers. Stick to your resume and prepare accordingly.

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