National Mission On Nano Science And Technology

The Nano Mission was introduced by the Indian government in May 2007 as an “umbrella capacity-building program“. It was launched with an allocation of Rupees 1000 crores for a five-year term by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the leading organization involved in the development of nanotechnology. Using and producing particles with a diameter of fewer than 100 nanometers is the main focus of nanotechnology. The goal of this mission includes advancing research as well as infrastructural development, nanotechnology advancement, human resource development, and international collaboration. 

What is Nano Science and Technology?

The technique that includes manipulating matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale is known as nanotechnology. This covers particles with a size between 1 and 100 nanometers. The development of the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) allowed for the commercialization of nanotechnology. Since then, nanotechnology has advanced significantly and now has an impact on numerous industries. Due to its quantum scale and wide range of applications in the domains of medical science, space exploration, telecommunications, food processing, and environmental protection, this technology expanded beyond all bounds in this century.

Need of the  National Mission On Nano Science And Technology:

Nanotechnology has tremendous potential for the advancement of humanity, and this is especially true for India. It can address existing issues like disease diagnosis and water contamination. Even though it has tremendous potential, very few people in India are prepared to conduct research on it, and the majority of financing comes from the government. Little to no financing for this field comes from the commercial sector. Even the professional opportunities in this area are extremely limited. Therefore, this mission was launched to ensure that the potential may be fully utilized for the benefit of everyone.

Objectives of the National Mission On Nano Science And Technology:

  • Building the necessary infrastructure for nanoscience and nanotechnology research includes creating a network of shared facilities with the high-tech tools needed for the field.
  • By providing financing to specific scientists or groups of scientists, it aims to advance basic research, and also works to establish centers of excellence for pursuing studies leading to a fundamental understanding of matter that permits control and manipulation at the nanoscale.
  • Applications and technology development programs for nanotechnology to stimulate the creation of products and devices. 
  • Effective research and professional development programs, so that a true interdisciplinary culture for nanoscale science, engineering, and technology may develop.
  • International collaborations include organizing cooperative conferences, workshops, and research projects in addition to scientist exploratory visits.

Features of the National Mission On Nano Science And Technology:

  • This scheme is carried out by the Department of Science and Technology under the Ministry of Science and Technology.
  • The Nano Mission has set up national forums to support R&D in the creation of nanotechnology standards and for establishing a National Regulatory Framework Road-Map for Nanotechnology (NRFR-Nanotech).
  • Under this mission infrastructure development is crucial and necessitates costly tools like optical tweezers, Nano indenters, transmission electron microscopes (TEM), atomic force microscopes (AFM), etc.
  • It encourages the industrial sector to participate directly or indirectly in nanotechnology research and development projects through Public-Private Partnerships.
  • This Mission places a strong emphasis on delivering instruction and training across a range of subject areas to guarantee the growth of interdisciplinary culture in this area.
  • Given the success of the Nano Mission, the Union Cabinet approved its continuation in Phase-II during the 12th Plan period with a budgetary allocation of Rs. 650 crores.
  • In order to advance research and development in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology in India, the Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali, was founded.
  • Nano India, the flagship scientific event of the Nano-mission program launched in 2017 to encourage the sharing of ideas and to strengthen collaborative research in interdisciplinary areas of Nano-science and nanotechnology.

Second Phase of the National Mission On Nano Science And Technology:

The second phase of the NSTM, which will cost Rs. 650 crores, was approved by the Union Cabinet for continuation in the 12th plan period. The Nano mission will put more effort into encouraging application-oriented R&D in this next phase so that some valuable products, processes, and technologies also emerge. A “Nano Mission Council,” led by a renowned scientist, will direct it.

Role of the Nanoscience Program during Covid-19:

  • The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has granted funding for scaling up an antiviral nano-coating created by an IIT, Delhi professor as part of the Nano Mission program.
  • The nano-coatings are used as a suitable material for mass-producing N-95 respirators and anti-COVID-19 Triple Layer Medical Masks.
  • The highly effective antibacterial agent N9 blue nanosilver will be employed as a nanomaterial, which is coated on facemasks and other PPE to protect wearers against unintentional COVID-19 viral contamination.
  • Frontline workers who are more likely to get COVID-19, such as medical personnel, get benefit from an additional layer of protection thanks to the application of extremely effective antimicrobial nanoparticles on PPE, masks, and other items.


The Department of Science and Technology’s Nano Mission sponsors the International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICONSAT), a cycle of biannual international conferences hosted in India (DST). The International Conference on Nano Science and Nanotechnology 2020, was held in Kolkata in March.

Some Objectives of the ICNOSAT:

  • Introducing cutting-edge nanotechnology to advance the fields of physics, chemistry, and materials.
  • Utilizing nanoscience and nanotechnology to integrate the 5Ms—mechanical, material, machines, manufacturing, and manpower.
  • Giving young researchers and students, both domestically and internationally, a viable platform to stay up with the most recent advancements in the fields of Nano Science and Technology.

Achievements of the National Mission On Nano Science And Technology: 

  • Due to the efforts made by the Nano Mission, India is currently one of the top five countries in the world for scientific publications in nanoscience and technology (moving from 4th to the 3rd position).
  • About 5000 research articles and 900 Ph.D.’s have been produced as a direct result of the Nano Mission, along with some helpful goods like eye drops made of nano hydrogel, water filters that remove pesticides and fluoride, and water filters that remove arsenic, etc. 
  • India now has two institutions as well as numerous highly advanced characterization and fabrication facilities.
  • Indian scientists now have access to cutting-edge facilities around the world, such as the Photon Factory in Tsukuba, Japan, and PETRA III in Hamburg, Germany.

Related Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. When was the National Mission On Nano Science And Technology launched?

Ans. The Nano Mission was introduced by the Indian government in May 2007 as an “umbrella capacity-building program” with an allocation of Rupees 1000 crores for a five-year term by the Department of Science and Technology (DST),

Q2. What are the major goals of the National Mission On Nano Science And Technology?

Ans. The goal of this mission includes advancing research as well as infrastructural development, nanotechnology advancement, human resource development, and international collaboration.  

Q3. What is the rank of India for Scientific Publications in Nanoscience and Technology?

Ans. Due to the efforts made by the Nano Mission, India is currently one of the top five countries in the world for scientific publications in nanoscience and technology (moving from 4th to the 3rd position).

Q4. What is the Nano India initiative?

Ans. Nano India is the flagship scientific event of the Nano-mission program launched in 2017 to encourage the sharing of ideas and to strengthen collaborative research in interdisciplinary areas of Nano-science and nanotechnology.

Q5. What is the achievement of the National Mission On Nano Science And Technology?

Ans. About 5000 research articles and 900 Ph.D.’s have been produced as a direct result of the Nano Mission, along with some helpful goods like eye drops made of nano hydrogel, water filters that remove pesticides and fluoride, and water filters that remove arsenic, etc. 

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