Nasdaq Interview Experience For SDE Internship 2023

Greetings, fellow enthusiasts!

Today, I’m thrilled to share my recent experience as an aspiring Software Development Engineering Intern at Nasdaq. The journey was filled with challenges, learning opportunities, and an unwavering determination to leave a lasting impression.

Resume Screening

Basic ATS screening round.

The Multilingual Online Test

The next stage was the online test. Questions on Python, C#, C, C++, and JavaScript. The level of questions was not that hard. It was between easy – medium.

Resume Discussion & Get to Know Call

This consisted of basic “tell me about yourself”, and “why this company” along with some resume discussion on projects and internship Experience.

Technical Interview

Alas, my journey with Nasdaq reached a crossroads as I didn’t progress to the coveted technical interview stage. While it’s natural to feel a tinge of disappointment, I choose to see it as a stepping stone for greater things ahead ????.

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