Nagarro Interview Experience for Graduate Trainee (Off-Campus) 2022

College: Tier – 3/4
Major: CSE
Experience: -None-
Coding Experience: Around 1.5 years

I applied directly on their website. All you need to do is to upload your resume! [Nagarro Careers ]( sure to check your ATS resume score, they are available for free online).

  • After 1 and a half months, I got a test link.
  • It had three questions. (EASY, MEDIUM, MEDIUM IS HARD)!
  • Passed all test cases in EASY, 11/13 for Medium, and 5/13 in the third one.
  • Thought I wouldn’t be eligible for further rounds because every round is an elimination one.

After two days I got an email that I have cleared my online coding test. In my TR which lasted for only  15 mins, I was asked TWO SUM PROBLEM(explained from Naive to Most Optimised) and coded the same.

  • Asked about StringBuffer and StringBuilder, OOPs, and why Encapsulation, static and final keywords are important.
  • I was also given a code snippet and asked me the output for the same and the interview ended.

Was sure that I did well in this round. After 3 days got an invite for the HR round.

  • Consisted of typical HR questions like relocation, why Nagarro, what do you know about Navarro, etc.
  • She asked me to speak on the topic of CAREER GROWTH for 1 minute to test my English proficiency.


Got selected and will be joining the organization soon.

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