Nagarro Interview Experience for Associate Engineer

I applied to Nagarro through their Careers Portal. I am fresher, and focused on my Resume that was the Initial most Crucial part to get Shortlisted for Further Rounds.  There are 4 Rounds :

  1. Aptitude + Technical MCQs.
  2. Coding Round.
  3. Technical Interview.
  4. HR Interview 

Round 1 (Online Aptitude + Technical MCQs) :

It was conducted on the Mettl Platform. It consists of two parts 15 DSA / C++ MCQs and 25 MCQs of aptitude. If the Candidate has its DSA Concepts very Clear and Knows Moderate level Aptitude. Then this Round is Quite easy to crack. I prepared for it on GFG. After Qualifying for this round I received information about the Next Round.

Round 2(Coding Round): It contained 3 Coding questions, it was also conducted on Mettl. The difficulty level of questions ranging from easy to hard – 

  • LIS:  Longest Increasing Subsequence [Dynamic programming]. (
  • Love letter: Given a sentence, and a number k which describes how many times each word was rotated from left to right, tell a number of words that remain the same before and after rotation.
  • Minimum height: Given the Level order, In order sequence, and the number of nodes in a tree. We have to return the minimum depth of the tree.

I was able to solve all three, Thanks to w3wiki. 

Round 3(Technical Interview): After Qualifying for the Coding Round, I got an Interview Call.

  • It Started with my Introduction, I included Data Structures and Oops as my Subjects of Interest.  A few of the questions were from Data structures, Including:
  • Merge Sort(Implementation), Quick Sort(Implementation).
  • Merge Sort Vs. Quick Sort
  • Questions which I attempted in Round 2(Coding) and a Hard question for which I gave a less Optimal Solution.
  • Applications of Stack, Queue, and Graph.

OOPs Questions:

  1. What is Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Data Abstraction?
  2. Difference between Data hiding and Data Abstraction?
  3.  How to Achieve all these Oops Features in Python?
  4. Then, Few questions on Python language like How to avoid memory leakage in python? 
  5. Does Python have a Garbage Collector? 
  6. Python in Compiled or Interpreted?

Questions on SQL :

  • Left Join, Full join, Alter Vs. Update Command, Second Highest Salary of an Employee, Normalization.

I answered all the questions. On the same day in the afternoon, I got a call for my HR round.

Round 4(HR Round): This Round lasted for around 7-8 Minutes. The Questions were as follows:

  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. Where do you see yourself in the Next 5 years down the line?
  3. Why Nagarro?
  4. Do you have any plans for higher studies?
  5. Other than Python(That was my Preferred), In which languages have you worked?
  6. Have you Participated in any hackathons?  Which Tech stack did you use?
  7. Do you have any offers in hand?
  8. Do you have any questions for me?

That was all!

Thanks to w3wiki for the best Resources which helped me prepare for Nagarro. Also, GFG helped me, In the Preparation of Cs Core subjects, Oops and DSA.

To everyone preparing for the Nagarro interview, Focus on DSA, Oops, Projects and SQL. And a Tip, You should read about the Company. That will help.

All the Best !!

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