Myntra Interview Experience (Off-Campus) 2021

I applied through referral a month back for the position of Software Engineer – Frontend (React JS). I’ve total 1 YOE and the recruitment process included 4 rounds in total as follows:

Round 1(Technical interview – Problem Solving): The interviewer gave me 3 coding questions:

  1. Delete Nth node from the end of the given linked list
  2. A Program to check if strings are rotations of each other or not
  3. Add parenthesis around each number in a string such that it has an exact number of parenthesis as the number itself. Note: Use an optimized way to achieve this such that the number of parentheses used is minimum.

    eg – 

    213 -> ((2)1((3)))
    210 -> ((2)1)0

Note: You should discuss all the approaches to solve the problem including brute force and the most efficient one. Discussion around all the corner/edges cases and complexity of the problems.

Round 2(Technical interview – Data Structures): The interviewer again asked me 4 coding questions:

Round 3(Hiring Manager Interview): Very detailed discussion on your current job responsibilities and work. Explaining the tech stack, API design, use cases, and implementation.

Discussion on designing and building logic for a chess app.

Discussion on implementing a small program that reads a book(in form of a file) and creates the audio version of that entire book.

Some questions were asked on React JS and JavaScript like – 

  • Why a page might refresh multiple times?
  • Lifecycle methods
  • State Management in React
  • Design an API to dynamically position components on a page.

Round 4(HR Interview): Discussion on my personal projects.

General Questions like – 

  1. Strengths & Weaknesses.
  2. Most challenging experience in any project.
  3. Best advice received.
  4. Why I am looking for a new job?
  5. Why do you want to join Myntra?

Lastly, I wish you ALL THE VERY BEST, You’ve got this!!

Hope this helps in your interviews.

Verdict: Selected

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