My journey from scoring 69 percentile in the mains to securing a place in IIT

It all started in may 2020 when I got my 10th result as 95.5% and decided to go for JEE. I got myself admitted to FIITJEE south delhi I begin my preparation with full dedication, after phase 1(nearly 2 months) there was a reshuffling test and I got myself promoted to R1 rankers batch. That where the problem begin I could not cope up with the pace of that batch, few super talented student students sitting on first bench used to control the pace and level difficulty of class.

In no time I started lagging behind which resulted in decreased focus in class and frustration during studies :/ I started playing PUBG to escape from academics. In meantime I also got attracted towards someone but somehow I used to manage all with studies. At end of class 11th in 2nd reshuffling test I again managed to get into R1( I was last one to make it). In class 12th our chemistry teacher got changed and didn’t like the new one, I totally lost connect with chemistry and started skipping chem classes which resulted in chain reaction of skipping classes. Somebody said it right Once you start skipping classes there is no going back.

At the end of syllabus I was lagging with 75% of class 12th syllabus. I returned to my home town for pre boards an all. I gave my JEE main 2022 Jan and scored 69 %le, I was totally shattered and lost all my confidence and will for JEE. I decided to leave my JEE dream and secure my boards, I mugged class 12th NCERT and then COVID started and my bad time too, I was loaded with tons to comments and restrictions by my own parents could not focus probably gone into depression, I used to be just locked inside my room with those books and used to cry everyday.

After that traumatic lockdown, November came and I gave JEE the main second attempt and scored 85%le which gave me around 180K+ rank. I gave BITSAT and scored 160 marks, and COMEDK and got 7000 rank. I realized the value of that last seat of last NIT which everyone used to mock in JEE days.

One day I asked my dad to go out with friends and she said “Padhna Likhna hai nhi khali idhr udhar ghumte raho” (You don’t have to study, just roam here there). That was the day I decided to get over JEE and answer everyone out there(specially my parents). I decided to drop. It was already last october and JEE main was scheduled in January. I opened YouTube and searched JEE I found a crash course by Motion and one shot by Vedantu and Unaccademy. With this, I completed my syllabus around mid-December ( crash course for the chapters that I didn’t even touch and Oneshot for chapter that I have seen even once) I knew that my preparation was not even close to JEE adv but I aligned my theory and practice just enough to secure an NIT seat. When I got the news of the postponement I refined my theory and completed a few more chapters which I left. In the last 15 days, I gave mocks and appeared on JEE main 2023 feb attempt and scored 97.2 %le, I improved upto 97 in upcoming attempts and ended up scoring 203XX rank, I was more than happy and was looking forward to a NIT.

After all the JEE main attempts I just relaxed and continued my casual studies for Adv without any expectations from advanced. Without any fear of loosing anything I appeared for JEE adv 2021 and ended up getting 69XX rank. I can’t tell you how happy I was by the fact that I’m going to be called an IITian. I don’t think I was prepared enough to get that rank, That “nothing to loose” mindset worked for me.

Today I am an undergrad at IITG and most important confident and in a position to shut anyone talking shit. I don’t know my parents are still satisfied with my performance but I am(nothing matters more). I realized that I am clearly not that race horse that they wanted.

An advice for JEE aspirants— be open to your parents because they are the one who will hurt you most if you fail so its better to make them friends. Also enjoy you JEE journey and be confident.

That was all from my side, thanks for your time. may you all be happy in which ever place you are.

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