My Journey From High School to the Professional World in Computer Science

Embarking on learning computer science is venturing into uncharted territories with little or no knowledge about the outcome. This therefore means that a person is not sure of what they are going to find out because it could be challenging, discoverable or even eye-opening. As I look back on my four-year journey in computing, I can see how much my skills have grown from being fearful during the first year to confidently handling complex projects by my fourth year.

Here’s how it happened:

From grade 9, on a tireless trek to master computer science, I discovered myself in the world of technology driven by my inquisitiveness to explore and know more about computers. In high school and through college, it moulded my comprehension level. This period of high school life was very crucial in shaping my digital skills. My initial encounter with computers involved studying basics such as hardware components, software functionalities and basic concepts of computing. A comprehensive curriculum described everything about MS Office from basic operations to advanced functionalities that went beyond acquaintanceship.

In the tenth grade, things became more complicated as I delved deeper into this interesting subject matter. I found myself acting as a mentor and started sharing knowledge with my juniors and peers. As such, it not only helped me understand but also encouraged others who were just beginning to be attracted to the field. I had a chance to work together with other students on various projects which enhanced my learning since it gave me real-life examples of how computer science could be applied.

The change that mattered most to me in my life occurred when I was promoted to eleventh grade, this time known for its introduction of Database Management Systems (DBMS) – the foundation of today’s computing. Hopelessly lost in the beginning, I went on a self-awakening process of understanding DBMS’ meaning and uses. It required intensive research as well as committed studies such that I had to start from scratch and grow into advanced work which was actualized through simple database projects.

The final stretch of my education expedition, 12th grade contributed a lot towards my knowledge of DBMS. During this time, I engaged myself in researching deeply about a wide range of topics surrounding advanced DBMS which ensured that I was more enlightened thereby making it easier for me to face any problem coming my way. Equipped with computer science basics and specialized information on DBMS, I came out of high school ready to tackle the ever-changing IT environment.

Having finished my educational journey, I transitioned into the professional world where I was employed by ER Solution as a Data Manager. The practical experience gained during this period also broadened my knowledge base by exposing me practically to how databases are used in various organizations. Being inspired by all these experiences made up my mind for me towards pursuing an Information Technology career at a higher-level institution.

I am currently in my fourth semester at college, where I am occupied as a researcher (at Web3) in a world of technology that is highly dynamic. The interdisciplinary character of this position allows me to conduct studies within the converging domains of computer science and emerging technologies to encourage innovation and push the limits of technological development.

Looking back over these four years, I have many reasons to be grateful for what I could do with them and those valuable lessons learnt along the way. Right from building blocks acquired in high school to practical experiences earned in professional circles, every milestone has played an important role in moulding my direction towards computer science. As I continue mapping out my way through technology’s ever-changing terrain, my quest for information continues unabated with innovation, creation and a purposeful stride into IT space are some of its driving forces.

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