My Journey : Data Manager to Researcher in Web3

Immediately after school, on my way to work for the first time, I became a manager of data at ER Solution. It would be an understatement if I said that it didn’t change my life at all; it served as a root of everything that has followed since then – revealing my passions and strongest sides.

Right after leaving high school, I was dying for any job and felling that one as a Data Manager turned out to be like reaching the top of the world. For more than twelve months, I tried hard every day working in this position, dedicating myself completely to its duties and responsibilities. And only due to persistence and assiduity was able to make my way up being promoted to Senior Data Manager rank.

But while being deep into all these professional affairs, I completely forgot about education. Yes, it is true that I entered college but soon lost any interest in studies getting even academic probation for failing one subject during the first semester. However, this situation appeared to be a sort of wake-up call for me and made me reconsider my priorities.

In the third semester of my studies, I decided to quit my job so that I could concentrate more on my studies. However, during this period of self-reflection, I stumbled upon another interest which is programming. As an intern in a MERN Stack developer position, I was exposed to web development and enjoyed it because I could create things digitally.

I learnt something important from this experience; grades are not everything when it comes to measuring one’s potential or ability (represented by CGPA and SGPA). Skill acquisition and its applicability matter most in life. With this new mind-set, all my efforts were concentrated on improving my abilities while fostering a love for web design.

Once I got into Programming proper, any chance that availed itself for me to become better was never allowed to pass me by. This saw me work as a frontend developer which contributed towards building more than ten websites thereby growing my skills further besides increasing portfolio breadth through such dedication coupled with persistence.

Currently as a Researcher in Web3, am involved with cutting-edge technologies that have never been explored before therefore leading to the realization of untapped potential within digital space. Moving from being a Data Manager (DM)to becoming Web3 Research Personnel highlights why people should always prioritize skill acquisition over everything else while embracing growth opportunities around them.

Looking behind me, I notice that not only awards in school; but also my passion for knowledge and being ready to change has influenced my path. While technology keeps changing, I know that I will succeed if I keep seeking knowledge and striving to be the best at whatever I do.

In summary, what started as a data management job has transformed into web3 research because of how much effort one puts into it. That is why even though this field is always advancing; I still want more problems coming my way so let’s break some records together while we’re at it!

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