My Journey at Parul University

In the world of computer science, there’s this thing called (DSA). It’s like solving puzzles with computers. When I first started, everything seemed super hard. The ideas were tough to grasp, and I felt like I was stuck in a maze.

But I didn’t give up. I worked hard, even when it felt like I was getting nowhere. Each small victory, like understanding a new algorithm, kept me going. It was like climbing a mountain—one step at a time. At the same time, I had my regular school subjects. I loved computer science, but other subjects didn’t come as easily to me. My grades weren’t great, and that made me doubt myself.

When I started college at Parul University, I was excited to learn about computer science. I took a bunch of different classes, but one of the toughest ones was about Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). It was like solving really hard puzzles with computers. I had to study a lot and work on coding assignments late into the night. Sometimes, I didn’t do as well on exams as I wanted to, but I didn’t let that stop me. I saw those moments as chances to learn and get better. Alongside DSA, I took other classes like computer architecture and software engineering. Each class taught me something new and helped me become a better computer scientist.

Even though it was tough, I stayed focused on my goals. Whether it was studying for an exam or mastering a tricky concept, I was totally confused about at that time for where to learn or what to learn for better packages then I got to know that CGPA is also required for placements in good company and skills for sure. So I decided before the one week of the semester exam, that I concentrate on the academic subjects.

At my College, I thought we would learn many new technologies in computer science but after realised that college only teaches theory concepts I didn’t like it. That’s why my CGPA is also very low about 6.9. I was demoted at that time because I didn’t have any knowledge till the 2nd year. Still, I didn’t let that stop me. I saw my struggles as opportunities to learn and grow. Instead of feeling down, I chose to keep pushing forward. Through all the ups and downs, I learned some important lessons. One big lesson was about not giving up, no matter how hard things get. Every setback taught me something new and made me stronger.

I also learned that success isn’t just about grades or awards. It’s about working hard and never giving up on your dreams. Now, when I look back on my journey, I’m thankful for every challenge I faced. They made me who I am today a person who’s not afraid to keep going, no matter what. And with that mindset, I know I can conquer anything that comes my way.

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