My Career Journey: From English-Phobic to Content Writer

My journey to learn English has never been easy; it has been a true roller coaster ride. The reason I used the term ‘roller coaster’ is because, much like a roller coaster, learning this language has had its ups and downs. So,it’s better to start from the beginning.So Let’s Dive in

The Beginning of the Problem: Coping with the Challenge of Not Knowing English

It all began when I enrolled in college after completing my high school. Before college, I hadn’t been exposed to as much English as was required in college. Before joining, my proficiency in English was at an intermediate level. However, this didn’t imply fluency; I could comprehend English but struggled to express myself verbally and in writing.

In college, presenting case studies in English at the end of each semester posed a significant challenge for me. My inability to speak English fluently resulted in a decline in my grades.

I remember how my teammates earned better grades simply because they had a stronger command of English than I did.

So then I decided I had to learn this language if I wanted to excel in my career; otherwise, I would continue to face obstacles and limitations.

How I Learned This Language in Just 2 Months

So, to learn this language, I watched tons of tutorials on how to speak in 2 months, 1 month, etc., but nothing made me feel confident that I could achieve it. Then I came across a method that seemed promising. The tutor provided me with a plan that I want to share with you. The plan consisted of seven different activities, one for each day of the week.











By following this routine strictly for 2 months, I was able to learn the language.

Although I’m not yet highly proficient in the language, I can now speak and write well enough to accomplish my tasks effectively, but there’s always room for improvement


Because I have better English than before, I became part of the content writing team in my literary club. I also participated in SIH with my peers and was able to compete. If I can do it, you can too.

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