Multiplexer Design using Verilog HDL

In this article, we are discussing Multiplexer Design. Below mentioned is the article in which we are going to discuss the problem.

Design of a 2:1 MUX using Verilog Hardware Description Language along with Testbench. 


A multiplexer is a combinational type of digital circuit that is used to transfer one of the available input lines to a single output and, which input has to be transferred to the output will be decided by the state(logic 0 or logic 1) of the select line signal. 2:1 Multiplexer has two inputs, one select line (to select one of the two inputs), and a single output. 

Truth Table

select out
0 in1
1 in2

Verilog HDL code of 2:1 MUX


// define a module for the design
module mux2_1(in1, in2, select, out);

// define input port
input in1, in2, select;

// define the output port
output out;

// assign one of the inputs to the output based upon select line input
assign out = select ? in2 : in1;
endmodule :mux2_1


module test;
reg in1, in2, select;
wire out;

// design under test
mux2_1 mux(.in1(in1), .in2(in2),
.select(select), .out(out));

// list the input to the design
initial begin in1=1'b0;in2=1'b0;select=1'b0;
#2 in1=1'b1;
#2 select=1'b1;
#2 in2=1'b1;
#2 $stop();

// monitor the output whenever any of the input changes
initial begin $monitor("time=%0d, input1=%b, input2=%b,
select line=%b, output=%b", $time,
in1, in2, select, out);
endmodule :test

Expected Output

time=0, input1=0, input2=0, select line=0, out=0
time=2, input1=1, input2=0, select line=0, out=1
time=4, input1=1, input2=0, select line=1, out=0
time=6, input1=1, input2=1, select line=1, out=1

Gate level /Structural Modeling

module mux4x1_gate_level(
input a,
input b,
input c,
input d,
input s0,
input s1,
output y

wire n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6;

not (n1, s1);
not (n2, s0);
and (n3, a, n1, n2);
and (n4, b, n1, s0);
and (n5, c, s1, n2);
and (n6, d, s1, s0);
or (y, n3, n4, n5, n6);


Dataflow Modelling

module mux4x1(
input s0,
input s1,
input a,
input b,
input c,
input d,
output y
assign y = (a & (~s1) & (~s0)) |(b & (~s1) & s0) |(c & s1 & (~s0)) |(d & s1 & s0);


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