Multiple Visualizations in Excel Power View

Power View allows for interactive data exploration, visualization, and presentation, promoting easy ad hoc reporting. Power View’s flexible visuals enable on-the-fly analysis of large data sets. The data visualizations are dynamic, making it easier to show the data with a single Power View report. Multiples, also known as Trellis Charts, are a set of Charts with the same X and Y axes. Multiples can be arranged side by side to compare several distinct values at once. Multiples might include Line Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, and Pie Charts. Multiples can be arranged horizontally or vertically.

Creating a Table

Do the steps to build a Table in Power View. Select the Power View region. In the Power View Fields list, click on the table – Range. Choose from the options Year, Country, Season, and Events. On Power View, a table with selected fields as columns and the real values will be presented.


Multiple Visualizations using Bar Charts

Assume you wish to show Events by Country for each Season. Begin with a Table with three fields: Country, Event, and Season. Navigate to the Design tab at the top of the ribbon to investigate several design options for the Power View Report sheet. One of them is Switch Visualization. Select the Stacked bar option from the Bar Chart dropdown menu.


Scatter Bar Chart with Vertical Visualization

In the Drag Field areas pane first drag the field Events to Value area, drag the field Season to Legend area and drag the field Country to Vertical Multiples area then it will show the scattered Bar chart in vertical visualization. 


Now you have a scattered Bar chart in vertical visualization. A Bar Chart appears with Events by Country and season. In the row chart, events are shown on X-axis. 


Scatter Bar Chart with Horizontal Visualization

If we want a scattered Bar chart in horizontal visualization, then for that we need to drag the field country to Horizontal multiple areas.


Now you have a scattered Bar chart in horizontal visualization. A Bar Chart appears with Events by Country and season. In the row chart, events are shown on X-axis. A horizontal scroll bar at the bottom, below the x-axis, may be used to move the Scatter Bar Chart row to the left and right, revealing the other Scatter Bar Charts. 


Multiple Visualizations using Column Charts

Follow the same steps to get the Column Chart. Navigate to the Design tab at the top of the ribbon to investigate several design options for the Power View Report sheet. One of them is Switch Visualization. Select the Stacked column option from the column Chart dropdown menu.


Now you have a scattered Column chart for multiple visualizations. A Column Chart appears with Events by Country and season. In the column chart, Events are shown on Y-axis.


Multiple Visualizations using Pie Charts

To create the Pie Chart, repeat the previous procedures. Navigate to the Design tab at the top of the ribbon to investigate several design options for the Power View Report sheet. One of them is Switch Visualization. Select the Pie chart option from the Other Chart dropdown menu.


In the Drag Field areas pane first drag the field Events to Size area, drag the field season to slices area and drag the field Country to Vertical Multiples area.


A Pie Chart appears with Events by Country and season.


Multiple Visualizations using Line Charts

Assume you wish to show Events by Country and year. Begin with a Table with three fields: Country, Event, and Year. Follow the same steps to get the Line Chart. Navigate to the Design tab at the top of the ribbon to investigate several design options for the Power View Report sheet. One of them is Switch Visualization. Select the Line chart option from the Other Chart dropdown menu.


In the Drag Field areas pane first drag the field Events to Value area, drag the field Year to Axes area and drag the field Country to Vertical Multiples area.


A Line Chart appears with Events by Country and Year.


In the Line chart, the year is on the X-axis, while the event values are on the Y-axis. The year is in the AXIS section of the Power View Fields box, while Events is in the VALUES area and the country is in the vertical multiples area.

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