Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)

Medical termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is an intentional or voluntary termination of pregnancy before its full term. Before the 1960s, surgical methods like vacuum aspiration or dilatation and curettage were common, but medication has since emerged as an alternative option. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) in class 12 is an important topic covered in the biology syllabus. In this article, we will cover the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) or abortion in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
  • Why is Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Carried Out?
  • What are the Disadvantages of Medical Termination of Pregnancy?
  • Legal issues with Medical Termination of Pregnancy
  • Medical Issues with Medical Termination of Pregnancy
  • Conclusion – Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
  • FAQs on Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP):

What is Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)?

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is a procedure performed to intentionally terminate a pregnancy before its full term. The process of MTP or abortion involves forceful expulsion of pregnancy tissue, placenta and the fetus from the uertus. The procudure of abortion is safest in the first quarter of pregnancy. Abortion can be carried out through surgical methods or medication, depending on the gestational age and individual circumstances.

Why is Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Carried Out?

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is carried out for various reasons, including safeguarding the health and well-being of the pregnant women. It may be performed to address complications that pose risks to the mother’s health, such as severe medical conditions or life-threatening diseases.

Also, MTP may be done in cases of fetal abnormalities or genetic disorders detected during prenatal screening. Furthermore, MTP provides an option for individuals facing unwanted pregnancies due to contraceptive failures or instances of sexual assault, allowing them to make informed choices about their reproductive health and future.

What are the Disadvantages of Medical Termination of Pregnancy?

Abortion provides reproductive freedom to women but at the same time it also have many disadvantages. Some of them are:

  • Potential physical complications, such as bleeding, infection, or injury to the uterus or cervix.
  • Emotional distress and psychological impact, including feelings of guilt, sadness, or regret.
  • Social stigma and judgment from others, which may lead to isolation or discrimination.
  • Legal restrictions or limitations on access to safe and legal abortion services in certain regions or countries.
  • Ethical considerations and personal beliefs that may conflict with the decision to terminate a pregnancy.

Legal Issues with Medical Termination of Pregnancy

MTP is a problematic issue in several countries due to various religious, emotional, ethical, and social issues. It is completely illegal and banned Haiti, Malta, the Republic of the Congo, Aruba, Honduras, Mauritania, San Marino, Curaçao (territory), Iraq, Nicaragua, Senegal, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Palau, Sierra Leone, Philippines. 

In India, MTP got legalized with the 1971 Act, with registered medical practitioners with certain guidelines, some of which are as follows: 

  • MTP should be performed only in Government Hospitals or in the hospital that the government authorizes. 
  • The MTP should not proceed more than if the pregnancy exceeds the 12-week period of pregnancy. 
  • MTP is regulated to avoid female feticides. It is strictly restricted to going for amniocentesis and opting for the option of female feticides. 
  • When there is a confirmation of a genetic disease suspected in the fetus. 
  • When the pregnancy may be caused due to rape. 
  • MTP is not allowed if the conceiving lady has a lower age than 18 years. 

Medical Issues with Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Medical Termination of Pregnancy is of problematic practice and may cause the death of the patient. 

  • Non-surgical Medical Termination of Pregnancy: If MTP is done by medication, then there are major side effects that start after the second dose of medicine, which could include heavy bleeding, blood loss, and cramps that start between one to four after taking the dose. Low fever with chills, headache, and vomiting that may last for more than a day after the second dose. 
  • Surgical Medical Termination of Pregnancy: It may happen that there is a need for another procedure to remove all those remnants in the womb. It used to happen with 35 women in every 1000 women. Furthermore, it has been seen that there could be heavy blood loss, damage to the womb, or sepsis. 

Conclusion – Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)

Medical termination of pregnancy is the procedure to avoid unwanted pregnancy when the contraceptive was not used or got failed, and it is even used in rape cases also according to the government norms. It is not a legal procedure in approximately 12 countries across the world due to some religious, ethical, emotional, or social issues. In India, it got legal with the 1971 act, with certain guidelines that need to be followed to carry out the procedure. This process requires a lot of precaution or else it can prove to be fatal to the mother.

FAQs on Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)

What is the Procedure for MTP?

Medical Termination of Pregnancy is procedure to avoid unwanted pregnancies with time and research several methods have been developed to carry out this procedure. Now a days it could done with two methods; 1. Surgical-based method, 2. Non-surgical based medication method.

What is the Time Period for MTP?

The time period for MTP varies by country and circumstance but is typically within the first trimester or first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

What is Used for Medical Termination of Pregnancy?

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) can be done using medications like mifepristone and misoprostol, or surgical procedures like vacuum aspiration or dilation and curettage (D&C).

Is Medical Termination of Pregnancy Considered Safe?

When performed under medical supervision, MTP is considered safe, especially when done early in pregnancy and by trained healthcare providers.

Why is Medical Termination of Pregnancy Done?

When performed under medical supervision, MTP is considered safe, especially when done early in pregnancy and by trained healthcare providers.

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