MS Interview Experience at IIT Madras (CSE)

We will talk about my MS interview experience in the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department at a university. We will share how it went and what they can ask during the interview. Let’s get into it.

  • Background: I learned some stuff in college. I chose to do my MS at IIT Madras because it seemed like the best place to dive deeper into Computer Science. My main goal is [insert your aspirations], and I believe this MS will pave the way for it.
  • Application Process: Applying for MS was a bit of a journey. I had to fill out forms, maybe take a test, and make sure all the paperwork was in order. Here’s a quick rundown of how it all happened.
  • Interview Call: I got a call or an email telling me about the interview. Not sure about the exact date. Before the interview, we exchanged a few messages. To get ready, I did some reading, brushed up on stuff, and maybe practised a few questions. Now, let me share how it all played out.
  • Interview Rounds: Imagine the interview in different chapters. If there were technical or HR parts, I’d chat about each. I’ll spill the beans on how each part went, what questions they tossed my way, and any tricky spots I had to figure out.
  • Technical Questions: Okay, let’s get into the tech questions they asked me. I’ll share what they were, how I tackled them, and any cool stuff I learned during the interview. Keeping it straightforward.


After the interview, I’ll talk about what I think of doing my MS at IIT Madras now. I’ll sum up how everything went and share my honest feelings. Keeping it simple and straight from the heart.

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