Moving Layers Masks within Documents

Moving layers simply means moving the entire or part of an image into the other image. For example, copying cutting the image, and pasting the same image into the other background mostly can be seen in the case of photographers for editing the background of your photo. Every layer, including the Background layer, may be copied across images. Note that the size of the printed copy of the layer depends on the destination image’s resolution. Also, if the two images’ pixel sizes differ, the duplicated layer can seem smaller or larger than you would expect.

  • Firstly select the two images in which you want to edit the layers making one a source and the other a destination in which you want to move and paste the layer. After opening the image make sure that you remove the lock (Just press on the lock icon it will be unlocked) from the layers panel which is on the right side of your screen as shown below picture. Do it for both the images(source image and destination image).


There are two ways for moving layers:

  1. Selecting entire image
  2. Selecting only the required part

Selecting Entire Image

  • Now be in the source image file and place your cursor on the image and hold the CTRL&Left click of the mouse and move the layer to the destination image.
  • You will see that the entire layer of the source image will be copied to the destination image.
  • If we copy the entire image you will be able to see the image given below.


Selecting the Specific Area

  • Select the required portion from a source image by using the Quick Selection tool which is located in the tools shown in the below picture. For better I would suggest the Quick Selection Tool you can use any required tool you want. After selecting the particular portion it looks like the below image.


  • After selecting the specified portion repeat the same step as we did before by pressing the CTRL&Left click of the mouse and moving it to the destination image. After moving the selected portion of the image it looks like the below image.


Steps for making Layer Mask

  • Firstly, Select the image on which you want to make the changes. From the Tools, bar selects the rectangle tool as shown in the picture below and draw the desired size of the rectangle in which you want to write the text.


  • Next from the tools bar again select the horizontal type tool and click anywhere on the image by default the text is very small and observes in the layers panel a new Text layer named Layer 1 is created as shown in the picture and to make the text readable press CTRL and resize the text and type the text as you want and place it in the rectangle which you have drawn before as shown in the image below.


  • Using the selection tool and selecting the quick selection tool and clicking on a text will automatically select the text you have written as shown in the gif below.


  • Note that you should be in the rectangle1 layer as shown in the figure.


  • Click on add layer mask at the bottom as shown in the picture. By clicking on that it will create a mask of the text which we have entered and stay in that newly created layer and perform the next step.


  • Click CTRL+I and you will see that the color which you have opted for will revert back now click on the visibility icon which is side to the text layer as shown in the below image.


  • Now you have successfully created a layered text mask on the desired image as shown below.


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