Mountains and Mountain Animals

Mountains are high-altitude landforms that have rugged terrain and harsh climatic conditions with a vast diversity of habitats. The mountain habitat animals are Snow leopards, Himalayan thar, Mountain gorillas, and Andean condors. They have adapted to the cold climate by growing thick fur and wool. They also have fast hooves that help them to climb the steep slopes. In this article, we will read about mountains, their types, and the mountain animals.

Table of Content

  • What are Mountains?
  • Mountain Ecosystem
  • Mountain Animals
  • Habitat of Mountain Animals
  • Threats of Mountain Animals
  • Conservation of Mountain Ecosystem
  • Conclusion: Mountains And Mountain Animals

What are Mountains?

Mountains are high-altitude habitats that are harsh and inhospitable compared to other terrestrial and land habitats. The mountain habitat animals are adapted to various conditions like inadequate oxygen, food, water, and harsh weather due to low temperatures. The mountain habitat plants are also sparse as the soil is inconsistent and the land is barren. The mountains are formed through volcanism and tectonic forces, these processes create different types of mountains like:

  • Fold mountains
  • Volcanic mountains
  • Fault-block mountains
  • Dome mountains

Each of the mountains has a unique formation process and characteristic feature. The Himalayas, are the world’s highest peaks and the Andes mountain range in South America is the the longest continental mountain range.

Mountain Habitat

The ecosystem found in the mountains is called the Montane Ecosystem. The biodiversity in this ecosystem is strongly affected by the climate, the trees are thin and tall. These trees grow above the timberline due to climatic condition, small grasses that can withstand the climate are also seen in this ecosystem at about 3000 feet at the rock and snow zones.

The plants in the mountains have certain adaptations, they are:

  • Needle like leaves with waxy coating to prevent water loss
  • Thick barks to withstant the cold temperature
  • Cone shaped trees with flexible branches to overcome heavy snowfall
  • Seeds are protected by pine cones

The common vegetation found in the mountain ranges are coniferous trees, lichens, shrubs, grasses, algae, firs and deciduous larches.

Mountain Animals

The animals that live in the mountain regions have unique adaptations to survive the harsh conditions like low oxygen level, extreme cold temperature, rugged terrain. Most of the mountain animals are fugitives, and are also large because small animals loose heat quickly and cool down faster due to the large surface area. Let us see about some mountain animals.

Big Horn Sheep

Animals like bighorn sheep migrate to different regions in search of food, they feed feed on alpine tundra foliage during summers and migrate to lower altitudes to escape the snowy winters.

Snow Leopard

Mountain animals like snow leopards have thick fur and wool to protect themselves from extreme cold and they also have large paws that act as natural snowshoes which helps to navigate in deep snow.

The Himalayan Thar

The Himalayan Thar or wild goat are adapted to live on the steep rocky cliffs of the Himalayan mountain range. They have short, sturdy legs and special hooves that allow them to navigate the rugged terrain easily.

Also Read: Types Of Ecosystem

The Mountain Gorilla

The mountain gorillas live in dense forest in African mountain range. These are gentle primates that live in close-knit groups that are lead by dominant male. These animals exhibit good social behaviours and have complex communication methods.

The American Pika

The American Pikas are small mammals that live in rocky alpine ranges that migrate to lower altitudes to escape winters and to collect food. They have thick fur to regulate body temperature and help them survive in freezing temperatures.


The yak are large and only bovine animals that live in high altitudes. They have thick fur, absence of sweat glands, large lungs and heart to compensate low oxygen levels and food scarcity.


The birds like golden eagle, mountain blue bird, snowy owl are well adapted to the mountain environment and it serves as a best place for breeding and feeding. These birds play an important role in pollinating plants, eat seeds and recycle the nutrients.

Mountain Habitat Animals

The mountain habitat animals live in various places around the globe. Let us see the different habitat of the mountain animals




North America

Polar Bear

Arctic and Antarctic Regions

Snowy Owl

From Arctic regions in Eurasia and North America

Brown Bear

North America, Asia, Europe


Mountain regions of Alaska

Alpine Chough

Mountains of China


Europe, North Africa, Asia

Threats To Mountain Animals

The mountain ecosystem has a unique habitat and has wide range of species that are adapted to the variable and harsh climatic conditions. The animals living in this habitat face many threats that impact their survival. Some of the threats are:

  • Climate change: As the global temperature rises, the zones in the mountain areas the animals migrate to higher elevations, this can lead to the loss of species that cannot adapt quickly to the change in the ecosystem.
  • Habitat destruction and fragmentation: Due to deforestation, use of land for agricultural purposes, and development of infrastructure make the animals migrate in response to the changes.
  • Pollution: The use of pesticides in agriculture and pollutants from industries contaminate water sources affect the food chain and cause direct health risks to wildlife.
  • Hunting and poaching: Illegal hunting and poaching for meat, and fur, of certain species pushes it to extinction.
  • Dams and energy projects: Construction of dams for hydroelectric projects can affect the habitat of wildlife.

How Can We Conserve Mountain Ecosystems?

Conservation of the mountain ecosystem is significant to ensure the survival of mountain species. They can be conserved by various methods like:

  • Habitat protection and restoration: Protected areas like wildlife reserves, national parks, and community-conserved areas should be established to conserve critical habitats and ecosystems. Restoration is also important for degraded habitats, erosion control, reforestation, and rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems.
  • Control of pollution: Measures should be taken to reduce pollution in the mountain areas like regulation of mining activities, waste management practices, reducing littering and pollution from tourism, and use of clean energy sources.
  • Controlling poaching and illegal trade: Enforcing laws against poaching and illegal trade, involves training and equipping forest rangers, imposing penalties on violators, and raising awareness regarding wildlife conservation.

Conclusion: Mountains And Mountain Animals

The mountains that are at high altitudes have great landscapes and challenging environments. Mountain habitat play a major role in maintaining the planet’s ecological health as it has a vast biodiversity with various plants and animals that have unique adaptations to survive in that habitat. Some of the mountain animals are polar bears, snowy owls, kiang, grizzly bears, beavers, and caribou. It is very important to conserve the mountain habitat by taking proper measures to preserve the biodiversity and ecological balance.

FAQs on Mountains and Mountain animals

What are the Biggest Animals that Live in the Mountain?

The two biggest animals that live in the mountain rages are the Yak and grizzly bear which usually weighs around 180 to 360 kg

How Many Types of Mountains are There?

There are three different types of mountains, they are: Fold mountains, Block mountains, and Volcanic mountains.

Which Animals can Tolerate Severe Colds?

Animals that can tolerate severe colds are, arctic hares, polar bears, snow leopards, arctic foxes, and snowy

Name Some Endangered Mountain Animals.

Some of the endangered mountain animals are mountain gorillas, snow leopards, javan rhinoceros, and orangutans.

Why are Mountains Important?

Mountains are the world’s water tower which provides about 60 to 80% of freshwater resources for our planet. About half of the world’s population depends on the mountains for food and clean energy.

What do Mountain Animals Eat?

Mountain animals eat a variety of foods depending on their species, including plants, insects, and other animals.

What is the Moutain Habitat Class 6?

The mountain habitat is characterized by rugged terrain, high altitudes, and diverse ecosystems.

What are the Characteristics of Trees and Animals Found on the Mountain?

Trees and animals found in mountains often have adaptations for cold temperatures, low oxygen levels, and steep slopes.

What are the Adaptation of Mountain Animals Class 6?

Mountain animals often have thick fur coats for warmth, sturdy hooves or paws for traction on rocky terrain, and strong lungs for high-altitude oxygen levels.

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