Most Popular Databases in 2024

There are various database management systems known in the market that many companies use according to their need and use. As we know, almost every service from social media, payments applications, various booking services through applications, etc has enormous amounts of data on the server. Suppose, you are playing a multiplayer game and there is a score that gets changed every second of time suppose a situation where a video gets viral and people all over the globe add comments to the video. 

All these activities lead to the addition of data on the database center. This data continuously gets added to the database and people update and manipulate them using database management systems. The prime concern for these services is data that needs to be stored, fetched on time, and also delete if needed. And database management system does this very efficiently for the organization. Some of the most popular database names are Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, etc., which we will discuss in this article. Before this, we need to get some brief knowledge about the databases that will be a prerequisite for this article.

What is a Database?

The database is defined as a collection of enormous information stored in a logical way so that the user can retrieve this data easily anytime they want. Generally, a database is not only stored in a computer. Any stored information such as a paper file having all the information about a person, a contact file of your cell phone, etc all considered a database.

In the language of computer science, a database is used for organizing data of very large size. When we surf various websites on the internet or use software for our utility, a database is used to store all the information and logical activities done by the user. And to control (add, store, fetch, and delete data) the database, we use software known as a database management system. Using the DBMS, users can interact with the data stored in the database.

Top 10 Most Popular Databases in 2024

1. Oracle

The Oracle database was developed by the company namely Oracle Corporation. The name of the oracle developer was Lawrence Ellison and it was developed in the year 1977. This database was the first database that supported the features like enterprise grid computing and data warehousing. Enterprise grid computing refers to the distribution of computer nodes over various geographical locations to obtain results for a common goal. 

This feature helps to work the database flexibly and also it costs lesser. We use SQL queries to interact with the oracle database. Oracle database is supported in various operating systems such as IBM, macOS, Windows, etc. Also, it supports the Linux OS after the versions in the late 1990s. The average salary for an Oracle database developer is 4.8 lakh per annum in India. Various features of the oracle database are:

  • Security
  • Availability
  • Scalability
  • Multi-platform supported
  • Backup and recovery
  • Supports cloud-based service

Apart from features, there are also some disadvantages of the oracle database such as High price, Complexity, etc.

2. MySQL

MySQL is an open-source database that is most widely used across the globe. This database was developed in the year 1995. Later in 2009, Oracle acquired MySQL. The term SQL stands for “structured query language”. MySQL database stores data in tables using rows and columns. The working of MySQL takes place in three steps.

The client stores the data in tables by defining the relationship between the entities. Then the clients make requests to fetch any data from the database using MySQL queries. In last, the server application responds to these requested queries and provides the appropriate data to the client. The server of MySQL is fast, safe, scalable, and user-friendly. MySQL is supported on both the client and server sides. The average salary for a Mysql database developer is 4.0 lakh per annum in India.

3. Microsoft SQL Server

MS SQL server is a very popular database around the globe that was developed by the company “Microsoft” in 1989. This database was written in language C and C++. SQL. The server can be run on either computer or over a network. It is supported in both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. There are three editions of SQL server that are Enterprise edition, Standard edition, and Server WEB. My SQL server follows a Client-Server Architecture so the users can directly fetch the data from the server. The three components of the SQL server are

  • Network Protocols
  • Database Engines
  • SQL OS

In the MS SQL server, we can install different versions of this database on a single machine that works independently. It uses the concept of “Instances”. This makes it possible to work on different databases on a single computer and also there is less risk of data security due to the instances. The average salary for a SQL Server Developer is 2.0 lakh per annum in India.

4. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is an open-source database management system that is very popular among users. It stands for (post-gress-Q-L).  This database follows the concept of ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability). It supports many advanced programming languages such as Java, Ruby, Perl, etc. Various operating systems supported by PostgreSQL are macOS, windows, UX, Solaris, etc. Various data types that can be stored in this database are text, images, sounds, etc. PostgreSQL also supports Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). In PostgreSQL, various modern and advanced features are supported such as:

  • It supports complex queries
  • It supports Trigger and View features
  • Streaming replication
  • Foreign keys

Some of the disadvantages of PostgreSQL are it is not organized and maintained by a single company. The transaction is slow as compared to MySQL. Also, the installation may be difficult for beginners. The average salary for a PostgreSQL Developer is 3.6 lakh per annum in India.

Do read about Database Management Systems to gain in-depth knowledge.

5. MongoDB

MongoDB is an open-source database developed in the year 2009 by a company namely 10gen Software. It stores data in the form of a document and collections which means the data are not stored using rows and columns. The schema of this database is dynamic. There are key-value pairs in the MongoDB database, which is the basic unit of this database. Although, it is not a relational database the performance of MongoDB is very much faster as compared to a relational database. 

Various features of MongoDB are scalability. indexing, master-slave replication, high performance, etc. It does not support joint operations. Data is stored in a JSON document and it is able to store heterogeneous data. The average salary for a MongoDB Developer is 6.0 lakh per annum in India.

Some of the disadvantages of MongoDB are:

  • Utilises high memory storage
  • Limited data in the BSON document

6. IBM Db2

The IBM DB2 database was developed by a company namely “IBM” in 1990. This database was developed keeping in mind that the data should be effortlessly stored and retrieved. Using IBM DB2, we can do both transactional and analytical operations in the database. The IBM DB2 also supports some no SQL features such as XML, JSON, etc. In this database, the logical and physical structures are managed separately and are used to create the IBM DB2 database is DDL (Data Definition Language). 

IBM DB2 is capable to supports the machine learning algorithm and augmented data explorer. Various platforms supported by the IBM DB2 database are Windows, Linux, and Unix. The average salary for an IBM Db2 Developer is 10.0 lakh per annum in India.

7. Redis

Redis is an open-source database management system that is licensed by the BSD. Redis is a no SQL database and it works on the principle of key-value pair. This database is also termed a “Data Structure Database” because the key of this database contains strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. The development of the Redis database was done in the C language. There are two types of architecture supported in the Redis database that is:

  • Redis Client 
  • Redis Server

There are various features of the Redis database such as speed, persistence, sharding, atomic operation, portability, etc. The average salary for a Redis Database Developer is 5.0 lakh per annum in India.

8. ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is a non-relational NoSQL database. It is a real-time database management system and it was developed by Shay Banon in 2010 in the Java language. Elasticsearch is a highly scalable database that can be used to store larger logs containing large data. This database is developed in RESTfil APIs that help this database to execute any request and give an appropriate response for the requested query. In Elasticsearch, we can perform both structured and unstructured searches. 

It can be used for textual search, data aggregation, metrics analysis, etc. This database used the concept of denormalization. As it is developed using the Java programming language so it is compatible with every platform. Some of the advantages of ElasticSearch database are scalability, integrity, real-time, etc.

9. Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a database that is developed by Microsoft company in 1992. It also comes as a part of the Microsoft 365 office suite. This database is a combination of Jet Database Engine and software development tools with a pinch of GUI. It is similar to MS Excel but it is more efficient than Excel in terms of data storage and manipulation. 

It stored the data in tables in the form of rows and columns. Microsoft Access is able to link to the data stored in other databases directly. The various components of the MS Access database are Tables, Macros, Modules, Queries, Reports, etc. The four steps to access the data from MS Access are as follows:

  • Creation of data
  • Data input
  • Query to fetch the required data
  • Report

10. SQLite

SQLite is a subset of MySQL and t is a serverless and embedded database. It is a library that is self-contained and needs a zero-configuration. Many top multinational companies such as Adobe uses SQLite database in their organization. We can simply use this database over the network. It is a transactional SQL database engine. We do not need to configure this SQLite in our system. This database stands on the principle of ACID property. 

SQLite was written in the ANSI-C language and it is easy to use ASPI. We can use the SQLite database where there is embedded software such as cell phones, televisions, etc. It is also able to control low HTTP requests. Using this database, we can work on multiple datasets without any intervention with makes it more flexible. Various OS supporting the SQLite databases are LINUX, macOS, Android, etc. The average salary for an SQLite Developer is 3.0 lakh per annum in India.

It is important to have a look at relational databases and non-relational databases. 


The database is defined as a collection of enormous amounts of information stored logically so that the user can retrieve this data easily anytime they want. The two types of databases are Relational databases and Non-relational databases. Relational database stores data in tables using rows and columns and non-relational database stores data in a documented format. There are many databases that are used by professionals around the globe according to their uses and priorities. Some of the most popular databases are Oracle SQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, etc.

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