Morgan Stanley Interview Experience for SDE Intern

There were in total 3 rounds in the internship process of Morgan Stanley.

Round 1 (Online Assessment) :

The first round was an online assessment with three sections. The first section has aptitude and reasoning questions with easy-medium difficulty. The Second has 6-7 debugging questions where we have a problem statement with code and we have to debug the code. Test cases were also present in this section so it was very easy to debug the code. The third section consists of 3 coding questions and all the questions were of easy-medium difficulty which can be easily solved using some basic logic.

Round 2 (Technical Interview) :

The technical interview was of about 30 minutes. The interviewer joined a bit late and started with his introduction and then mine. Then he told me to explain any of my projects to which I explained one of my projects. I have used PHP in my project and the first question he asked me was why PHP and not any other tech stack. Then he asked how I have encrypted passwords in the database, to which I answered that I have used the password hashing function in PHP.

After that, he asked me how would I design my own password hashing function, to which I replied by using maps. He then asked the internal implementation of maps and asked one question like If we entered in the browser then how the browser knows that it has to go to a particular site? I didn’t know the answer exactly but I told him we can use hashing to store site’s address. He was not satisfied with the answer as he was expecting the answer with an explanation of address registers and IP Addresses.

After that he moved to DSA and asked two questions that were available on leetcode, I have to code only the main function in any of the editor.


We have discussed the approaches for both with some optimizations on time and space complexity. The interview has ended here.

Sadly I couldn’t make it to the next round but it was a simple 10 min HR round.

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